There goes the leveling Experience-Say No to boost to 58

RIP people who enjoy the leveling experience.

Old world will be so much more empty, and spending days /played getting to 58 while some idiot just makes an account and pays for it will feel terrible.

I was so excited to level a character now in time for BC. Lost all that excitement. Spending a month leveling my character while my friend clicks a button. Yea, that sounds absolutely terrible.

For the people who don’t understand why this is such a big deal to the levelers and people who enjoy lower level content and leveling characters: Imagine if you could buy gear. Sure you could still raid, but you could also buy it. What would that do to your motivation for raiding? Would you feel cheated? I wish people would just attempt to understand how many of us feel about this.

“Oh but you can still level, you don’t have to use it”. Ok. You can still raid, you don’t have to buy the gear. No worries right? Not to mention how it thins out the player pool pre 58 dramatically.

Any sort of buying of game power via real money is an abomination, especially to classic WoW. Whether that be gold, levels or gear. Yes, botting and gold buying already exists, but the solution is to deal with that like other games have done, not to introduce a new problem. Power in game should always be earned, it’s the core concept of MMO’s, or at least it was back then.


pay 2 win lol


This rant would have been useful for players that would boost in-game throughout Classic rather than be a part of the levelling community.


If you want to level 1-70 go for it. Not everyone wants to do that. This is progression. It is progressing to BC not turning into a fresh server. Seems like there will be plenty of fresh server people starting at 1 anyways. You won’t be alone.


And everyone levelling a Belf or Draeni will have to do it from level 1.


The leveling zones have been dead for months, the one time boost for a fee, is going to have little to no impact on the leveling experience going forward. The zones would remain mostly dead no matter what occurred, its the nature of old content. There will be a short window with people rolling the new races, specifically for shaman (alliance) and paladins (horde) but after the first month that will also taper off and the zones will be empty again.

If you want to level with people your best bet would be to find some people who play at the same times and make a consistent group for leveling, this would allow you to do the elite quests and dungeons as they come up.


blizzard not only wants to add boosts to tbc classic, but wants everyone to be ok with boosts. they will be adding paid character 68 boosts to wrath. and seal of the martyr for alliance? yeah, i know everyone likes getting free stuff, but you have to take a step back and think about what youre doing for a second. paladins on alliance never got seal of blood or seal of the martyr, yet they are adding it to tbc classic. this means that all the achievements, all the world firsts, all the raid clears, can never be compared to the original tbc from 2007. vanilla classic almost went the same route but we were lucky that blizzard was under such heavy scrutiny by so many of its players that blizzard backed off and just released vanilla classic as is, albeit with layering and post nerf content. it was still somewhat comparable to original vanilla, but what we are getting with tbc classic is a different meta, a different playthrough, and a game that technically does not qualify as tbc when comparing it to old tbc.


its the single most economically intelligent decision any player can make. as long as the boost doesnt cost $1,000. the only reason anyone should not buy a boost to 58 is if they can reach level 58 in tbc in 8 hours. because if you go and work for 8 hours even at minimum wage in the united states, you will make $60 before taxes, so maybe work 9 1/2 hours, but either way you are going to want to go put some time in work then come back and buy the boost rather than sitting at your computer leveling for 12 hours a day for a week.

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When you find yourself getting so upset over something that doesn’t affect you, perhaps it’s time to step back. Maybe go for a walk outside or something.


Time is money, friend.


Plenty of dranei will be around to level with.


and the 1-58 leveling process can be removed from tbc classic as long as it meets the activision blizzard’s short term pocketbook. sacrifice the leveling experience because thats what the top execs in the shark tank want to do. they might not play the game but they pay the paychecks for the devs

It’s almost like you can’t reduce a video game down to purely capitalist math.

This just in. Playing a video game is less profitable than working a real job. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


It is, however, cheaper than therapy.


I’ll support “your vote”… if vanilla classic players, with their 30k gold purses, can leave it in the bank and start TBC with 0g in their back pocket and not allowed to take it with them. to tbc servers.

I’m not looking forward to 1,000g mats and 4,000g lvl63 blues.

I laughed at this way longer than necessary. Thank you LOL

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I’m gunna boost on a pvp server :slight_smile:

im not talking about profit, im talking about

If someone wanted to buy gear I dont care, thats their choice and has no bearing on me and my play (people do this already)

If someone wants to buy a boost, again, I dont care and has no consequence to me (people also do this already).


What is this purity of classic leveling that you are going on about? I’m currently finishing leveling up eight characters to 60 and I can say outside of new players there aren’t that many people grouping up for dungeons or elite quests. Hell it took me three days to put a BFD group together for my priest.

By the time TBC and boosts come out they’ll be useless to me as i’ll only need to level my blood elf paladin by then. I genuinely don’t see why a one time per account boost to 58 bothers anyone so much.