There goes the leveling Experience-Say No to boost to 58

Agree with everything you said OP. MMOs are always about power progression. When you can pay to skip power progression, it ruins the game. Not to mention, it gives bots an easy avenue to continue ruining server economies.

There are very, very few decisions in an MMO that affect absolutely nobody but yourself. The availability of a character boost is very far from being one of those decisions. Read OP’s post. People like him (and me) enjoy going through old world content every now and then. A boost allows people to skip that old world content, thus diminishing it.

Whether that old world content is fun to you or others is irrelevant. It’s fun to some people, and the introduction of character boosts greatly diminishes that content.


Literally the same thing

Don’t be absurd. Has this happened in retail WoW, which has had EXACTLY the same boost feature for 4 expansions now?

Why are they doing that on TBC servers? If I want low-level contact, I will play on Classic Era servers, which have no boost and which cap out at 60.

This is TBC, not classic WoW. And this is feature for brand new TBC players, not veterans. If you want new players “to have to do what I did” tough beans! Blizzard doesn’t. Blizzard would rather make the game better by HELPING new players compete and therefore stay in the game. Blizzard thinks that having to level up 12 levels before raiding is enough (70-58 = 12).

This was dead as soon as servers had level 60 mages that were looking for yet another way to ruin the in-game economy.


I will say Blizz finally got leveling right for the Shadowlands pre-patch. Perfect for learning your class, not so long that you want to quit the game.

While I don’t (personally) agree with the Level 58 Boost, for BC, I understand why they did it. The same argument used for those that wanted to keep their progressed Classic characters to transition into BC wanted to jump right into Outlands because (to them) that’s BC. Not a lot view the 1-60 pre-Outland content as BC. They think that’s Classic. I think their restrictions on the Level 58 Boost is a good start to alleviate multiple boosts skipping that 1-60 pre-Outland content.

This way, this is a compromise for both players wanting to jump into Outlands straight away, and those that want to keep that 1-70 experience, in tact. I’m grateful that it cannot be used on Belves nor Draenei. Which brings back that 1-70 leveling experience.

Anyone achieving anything on these Legacy Servers are not “comparable”, in general because they’re just not the same game LOL

But, I get it, gotta have those “brownie points” :roll_eyes:

Classic wasn’t Vanilla, either.

Anyhoot, I think we’ll be OK. Blizz knows who the Majority is and based their decision off of that.

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Lol dumbest comment so far


People really love to exaggerate.

A 63 blue nearly as expensive as epic flying? It would have to be very rare and some niche item that 70s use for pre bis or a 69 twink would desire. Like that 47 epic armguard gloves with expertise was in vanilla.

As for 1000g mat I highly doubt it even for the hardest to get items. Maybe like 400-600.

Dense Stone is already 50g/stack, it’s not an exaggeration. Lol

Depends on server and AH competition. Lots of people try to charge unrealistic prices. I’m not online to check around

Excuse me dear sir, but how is a lvl 58 boost any different than the lvl 60’s we will be bringing from Classic to Classic TBC? Its there to give an option to people that didn’t play Classic a chance to catch up. I, for one, welcome anything that will give us more people to play with and maybe keep playing after the initial hype goes down.


Considering 80% of people leveling atm are sfk/Sm/Mara/Zg boosting, you my as well add more 58 boosts! It’s clear very few people actually want that “classic” leveling experience. Most avoid it like the plague.

I have friends coming back just because you can boost a character. Without it they’d never come back.

The economy was fubar a long time ago. No saving it now without a reset.


if it were the same thing you wouldnt have disagreed with me

Economically intelligent as in profitable as in- beneficial or useful.

Literally the same thing

Btw, And I’m not sure most of you realize it but… there are no boost coming to Wow classic

This would mean that if you one single world-drop BOE blue, you will be 80% of the way to epic flying. I don’t understand why that’s a bad thing.

I don’t boost because I enjoy leveling my character and having the entire experience with it from the beginning. Lots of memories and fun times are missed with boosts.

It’s a bit of a sad statement to look at boosting as an economic proposition (although it is true). However I don’t play games to optimize my return on time investment. I play games to, you know, have fun.

I don’t begrudge anyone from boosting, I just never will do it.


Somebody didn’t notice it’s 1 per account, and no Draenei/Belf. Which, most of the new levelers are gonna be. Maybe some reading comprehension would help…

Then go through it every now and then but the expectation that everyone has to go through it in its entirety every time just to accommodate those few who actually enjoy it is bad game design.

Even Super Mario 1 had boosts so you didn’t have to go through the entire game every single time, it gave you options.

It’s not bad game design. It’s how the genre of an MMORPG should be. Power progression is integral. Bringing a character 1-70 was how Burning Crusade was originally designed, and how WoW had (successfully) worked for 10 years until they introduced boosts.

A platform mover game =/= MMORPG. Comparing apples to beer.

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