There are obviously some changes necessary for TBC

One thing that I feel they SHOULD do if transfers are on the table, is open some servers as transfer destinations, as well as a couple servers blocked from transfers. The former servers could be expanded in number if need be, and those that want a clean slate server would be able to get that option as well without the taint of transfers.

I think you need to have another look at the survey

It might be called that, but so what? We have World of Warcraft: Shadowlands and World of Warcraft: Classic. Is there a connection between characters in those two games? No. So why assume there will be one between TBC Classic and Classic.

It might play out like that, but we don’t know that. TBC Classic could just be a self-contained game like Classic. And eventually Wrath. To say ‘it will play out exactly like an expansion’ is nothing but supposition on your part.

And, in fact, we already know that’s not true since players will have the ability to stay on pre-TBC servers with their characters. You may call that supposition as well, but if that’s not the case then Blizzard lied. But let’s just apply common sense. You really think they waited 15 years to bring back Vanilla WoW only to replace it again 2 years later? Not a chance. In some form there will be pre-TBC servers where you can keep your character for as long as Blizzard hosts servers. So inherently things are already differently than how it played out in '07.

You can argue semantics all you like but at the end of the day TBC is an expansion. I really don’t need any more input other than the fact blizzard has already named it Classic, and TBC is an expansion from vanilla.

Correct. It’s not getting replaced. But there will be more servers - Classic TBC.
It is what it is :man_shrugging:t2:

It’s not semantics. It’s having an open mind and looking at the situation from a myriad of perspectives. Your refusal or inability to do so isn’t really my concern. In the end it’s Blizzard’s decision.


You keep mentioning this survey. You realize one of the options was a fresh start at level 1 on a brand new TBC server, right? So Blizz is at least considering that option.

There’s also an option to progress all current servers to TBC. So what?

the relevancy of the gold isnt really the concern here. its the question of whether or not to allow players the freedom to carry as much gold as they want with them into tbc. why should players who have farmed countless hours more than some /played 20 days noob be starting off at the same gold cap as each other in tbc? can you honestly answer that?

I think they just want the launch to be good Joyson - which is selfish.
Let’s essentially take away tens of thousands of gold from the server that was legit farmed from legit players in legit ways so everyone can be on an even playing field. Why?
“Oh well at least the launch was good”.

“good” is an opinion

if i were to bring up the concept of an “identical” tbc launch, that could be proven and supported by evidence, whereas “good” is a matter of opinion.

In a nutshell:
The health of the game

I realize that to be a foreign concept for a lot of WoW players, and a lot will not understand it.

Players were not waddling around with hundreds of thousands of gold when TBC opened, and instantly flooding that gold into TBC will mean instant inflation. Perpetuating gold buying, selling, etc.

Because you’re making statements that this will play out exactly like an expansion. Exactly like it did the first time. You don’t know that. Hell, the survey has an option for premade 58s on TBC servers. That never happened the first time around.

The people who want that can go on the fresh tbc servers. I’m sure there’s many players including myself who don’t care about how much gold goes through the dark portal. The health of the server is fine if everyone who rolls there is okay with it.

Because I’m sure it will. Do you think there will only be one set of servers? Because chances are there will (and should) be fresh servers and also servers that we can progress our current characters on. Therefore, playing out like it did in 2007. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.

…/looks again. Nope, still not seeing it. There is a big difference between “how interested would you be in playing “a classic burning crusade”… …and … …“Blizzard has already named it Classic: the burning crusade.”

I do not see where they’ve “named” it. But wording it the way you did, and saying that Blizzard has already named it implies that TBC is official and lends weight to your arguments. It’s not and it doesn’t. But, no matter. Not really that important. Just saying

edit: wanted to add that I’ve not seen the actual survey itself. I can’t find a screenie of the survey, just copy/pasted text on web sites. I’m not an unreasonable person, so if you have a link to the survey itself and can show me, as I asked in the first place “where does it say that?” then I will concede the point that Blizzard “already named it.”

Exactly. This argument is not important :man_shrugging:t2:

No spelll batching plz no plzplzplz


Yes, hence the natural player assumption we’d move forward into TBC. If we were isolated to Vanilla only I wouldn’t even bother with this once KT dies.

the health of the game is a nonexistent impossible to measure completely subjective opinion