There are obviously some changes necessary for TBC

The reason I said that was because I was not 100% certain if both Heroism and Bloodlust functioned the same.

Seal of Blood is also strong in PVE content, not just pvp, and paladins in general benefit low health to get extra mana in the long run from it also if you are a blood elf, even in a pve scenario.

All I was saying that that the alliance version for paladins should have been the same thing as seal of blood, but could have been under a different name in general. And both should have the Dot Seal as well with different names if need be.

That would 100% contradict their specified design philosophy for Classic WoW but you could be right. Blizzard is really good and reversing their position and screwing their games up.

It’s not contradicting anything. Classic wow (as in this vanilla iteration we are playing right now) is not going to go anywhere. It will be left as a museum piece.

Yes but if you release and expansion for it then it is no longer a museum piece and then counter their stated goal. Classic should also be a museam piece but a separate museum. I don’t have a problem with all your titles from Classic WoW being accessible on all future Classic servers, but allowing gear, items, gold to transfer over is just releasing expansions and not true to the stated design goal.

*this was a repetitive post I realize but I’m leaving it up so people can see my poor writing and learn from it *

Why is it not a museum piece? In the transition to Classic TBC, the 1.13 servers will be left alone. They will still be a museum piece. This is all to experience a moment in time yeah? Well the TBC prepatch will also be considered time that people will want to experience again. And so will the TBC launch. And the progression of characters to level 70.
The whole experience from level 1 through to however long Classic goes for is and will be considered a museum piece.

why can’t i???

why do you care about only the beginning of BC??

what would the difference between people having epic flying week 1 vs not having epic flying be??

you just being jealous?


Because that is the most important time period, perhaps?

I have no intention of playing TBC, in what way could this be jealousy?

“wHy nOt jUsT hAvE eVeRyOnE sTaRt iN fUlL nAxX gEaR? aFtEr aLl eVeRyOnE wIlL hAvE iT bY tHe eNd!”
- your logic, probably

I don’t know about other people, but if I’m not going to be playing a particular game, I just don’t share my opinions on how I think things should be. If you aren’t going to be playing TBC at all, your opinions aren’t valid.
That’s like me arguing on CDPR forums on what I think Cyberpunk should or shouldn’t have, if I have zero intention on playing it.
Pretty weird if you ask me.

Where does it say that?

On the TBC survey.

consider 2 possible options to further customize the event:

  1. provide a cross expac looking for more chat feature for people on tbc and vanilla, to advertise for players to take part in raids/groups. this way you can be on tbc and see adverts for vanilla raids/dungeons. only works if you retain your original vanilla char separately, and its copy on tbc. so if someone needs more players for vanilla or tbc raids, they advert on the cross expac chat

  2. make new players *brand new, never before played wow accounts, level thru classic vanilla first in order to unlock classic tbc. this will keep classic vanilla receiving a flow of new players.

I saw nothing that indicated it has been named “Classic: The Burning Crusade” like you said. You posted that as though it was an official title.

The survey asked players how interested they would be in playing “a” Classic Burning Crusade . It also asked about potential ways they could start a character, with the following options to choose from: (note the one at the bottom…“none of the above.”)

  • Continue playing my current Classic character on my existing server as it progresses to the Burning Crusade expansion, with the option to transfer to a Classic server that will never progress past level 60.
  • Start a brand new character from Level 58 on a new Burning Crusade server.
  • Start a brand new character from Level 1 on a new Burning Crusade server.
  • Continue playing my current Classic character on my existing server that will never progress past level 60, with the option to transfer to a Burning Crusade server.
  • None of the above.

Doesn’t look to me like it’s been “named” nor that it is a done deal, which is why I asked “where does it say that.” Anybody got the results of the survey? Like how many said “not interested,” and how many said “none of the above?”

Wow classic
BC classic
Both are classic.
So I’m glad you agree We should get to keep the things we earned in wow classic also in TBC classic.

Why are you in this thread about TBC?

Because I played during TBC, have an opinion on it, and have every right to discuss it?
(And because leaving the gold bloat on vanilla classic servers is something that directly harms vanilla classic servers)

Sure you can have opinions about tbc from 2007
But if you are not gonna play classic TBC, there’s no reason for any input you might have.
Just by saying you have no intention of playing should make any say you have on the matter mute.

This you can have an opinion on since I assume you do play classic (even tho gold bloat will always be an issue even in TBC) But you could just make a post about gold Bloat and stay out of matters that don’t concern you. :slight_smile:

I honestly don’t care what your view of my opinions is.
PS: It is “moot”, not “mute”.

Nah, I will discuss what I choose to discuss. If you do not like it then you are free to put me on “mute”.

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Actually it’s a ‘moo’ point. It’s like a cow’s opinion. It just doesn’t matter. It’s moo.

No thanks, Last thing we need is a whole bunch of fresh FOTM re-rolls going into TBC naxx geared.

that’s not a good idea…Idk why people keep asking for this and fail to realize that these servers will be significantly behind the other ones. Once youtube gets filled with tons of videos on tbc and realize how fast other players are progressing, they’re going to drop their fresh servers and start pumping on their 60’s.