There are no tanks!

Omg this. I let the mob bring them down ro low health or kill them a few times and that works. Usually /pat while standing next to them watching them get thrashed.

/TM 8
Itā€™s the macro for target mark 8, which is Skull
/TM 7 = X

All tanks should use this macro and put them on the skill bar. Whichever not marked, DPS can CC if they want.


PUGS arenā€™t bad. Iā€™ve done every instance up to ZF successfully, many under-leveled, while in PUGS

If the players seem dumb or inexperienced, just give them targeting arrows and directions

Tanks are overrated. Iā€™ve healed plenty of dugeons whence we had voidwalker and hunter tanks, sometimes at the same time.

Had no issues with it, actually found it more fun.


I pretty much stopped tanking after Gnomeragan. Stockades was the only dungeon I was able to clear in less than 2 hours (and it was still a wipefest, and the highest person was 28 or 29.)

I get whispers all the time for invites, but Iā€™ll probably only run with guildies.

Still too many people playing this like its retail. Some people act like go-go-go jerks, so I put my warrior on the shelf.


lol this has been my entire exp with every single group can never get enough threat in aoe situations i end up with 1-2 of them on me and rest hitting them i just gave up on saying anything to them they never listen



Tank levelling is slow?!?!?!

Ok ā€¦ prot paladins, just stay quiet ā€¦

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Well you donā€™t ever go arms soā€¦ I guess Iā€™m inclined to agree? Iā€™ve never heard of any tank being in Arms. Fury/Prot, yes.

Donā€™t be a dick and take pallies or druids. Problem solved.

You use arms to stance dance. Its an integral part of tanking.

Thats what in doing and Im embarassed how well it works.

Want DPS? - out comes the 2H

Want Tank- put on my shield

Want heals- put on my int gear



Iā€™ve been a healer since closed beta. This time I rolled a warrior with hopes of tanking. Itā€™s a learning curve and I see things from the eyes of a healer still.

I tank in guild but refuse outside of guild based on the absolute nerd rage Iā€™ve encountered for the smallest mistake with the few PUGs I did.
Sometimes I feel like providing a minimum DPS, Interrupt count, and lack of adds pulled metric for DPS. Fail at those and everyone else in group will nerd rage until you leave.

Thats how it feels as new tank


This. A couple of friends of mine who are maining druids and tanking have been denied from PUGS for trying to tank a dungeon many times. They have sworn off PUGS and only do guild/friend runs. Works for me at least, but still.

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The group that I did BFD was really great. I was hl for that, but I could aggro easily packs os mobs and had little to no problem to take it back when lose it.

There is a lack of tanks because in this day and age everyone thinks they know everything, so they feel its okay to be rude and tell everyone else how to play their class. No one wants to hear it, and the tank is the one who will hear it the most. I wont pug a dungeon anymore purely because I dont want to rush through the dungeon that every single pug wants to do.


Yes. You do put points into tactical mastery as deep prot, thank you for stating the obvious.

The funny thing is that tank warriors donā€™t want dps warriors in their groups. Its competition for loot.

I wonder what all these dps warriors plan to do to get gear when they arenā€™t getting into dungeons.

Probably making their own groups with non-warrior tanks.

Rerolled a tank. Bow to me.

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