There are no tanks!

At least on Old Blanchy, tanks are extremely hard to come by. There are always SM groups looking for tanks and probably disbanding after not finding one. I made an alt on Thunderfury for some PvP, and tanks are still the limiting factor for low level dungeons. Even though warriors are pretty well represented, tons of them just want to dps.

Do yourself a favor and make your next character a tank. You’ll be able to make parties ready to go in a couple minutes.


Not surprised.

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And after a few runs of doing that, they’ll do what the rest of us tanks do and only run with friends/guild.

Pugs aren’t worth joining. Hell I multibox just so I can avoid poggers.


Make a tank…?


BUt if you read the several threads on here from tanks that refuse to run PUGs any more you’ll understand why they’re almost non-existent.

Hint: DPSers think this is retail and tanks can spam their threat generators, it isn’t and they can’t.


I plan on it!

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Me too.

My buddy did as well, said it’s fun asking for a group and getting instant invites all the time.


I have heard of the troubles tanks have. I bet it’ll be worth it being in high demand though, and more rewarding when you get a good party going.

I’m a tank on old blanchy. I just don’t tank pugs because people are idiots and a waste of my time.


LF tank SM Armory. Our hunter will pull for you with multishot, our mage will frost nova in doorways when you’re trying to LoS, and our rogue will jump up and down and run around in circles like he’s on Ritalin. Go go go you pull too slow. PST.


People Chased away all the druid, pally, and shaman(5-man only) tanks… even though they are perfectly viable

The communities fault.


Kraggy is correct, too many DPSers don’t know how to play and how tanks do threat in this game. It doesn’t work like retail at all.

Even healers that have HoTs gotta watch it, you can pull off a tank right away.


I only tank pugs.

I like to meet new people, and usually guilds just make feel confined to a smaller group of people, which gets old fast.

Pugs really aren’t bad in general, and I think the just guildies mind frame is at least partially born in it being less likely for someone to flip out when dumb things are done amongst guildies, rather than it actually being that everyone has guildmates who play perfect and make no mistakes.

Then of course it will naturally be easier to do things with people you constantly play with, and might already be on voice with as well.


A common theme here seems to be that tanks only run with guildies. Makes sense considering how many parties I’ve seen go to downhill midway.

If there are any established Old Blanchy guilds looking for good players hit me up.


As a tank on Old Blanchy, I’m getting a kick out of this.

I’ll probably do a partial BRD clear when I get home, and I guarantee you it’ll be guild based. not out of a specific dislike of most of the PuGgers at my level, but because Prophecy is starting to gear up the raid teams.

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Zengaku is also correct. Too many people think only Warriors can tank. That would be incorrect.


Pugs make it World of Tauntcraft. Yes we can tank it successfully, it’s just not fun taunting all mobs every pull for 45+ minutes just so anxious, impatient people can aoe half afk. It’s really not tanking, its catering.
Heck I’m on hiatus from guild runs even… bleh. Wasnt even planning to tank at 60, going Lazer for lols, just experienced and thought heck why not save us all time.


It could be that you’re finding some difficulty here or there with finding tanks and just feeling like it’s hard to find, but maybe there are fewer tanks.

On Kurinnaxx, it doesn’t feel difficult to find a tank at all, imo. I was discussing this in a group yesterday, when we waiting 30 minutes to fill our last DPS spot…

Just grab 3 arms warriors and heal whichever’s taking damage. If they all three hit different mobs it somehow works in your favor.


There seems to be a lot of warriors that dont fully understand how our great class works in classic. Warriors looking to exclusively DPS but not tank don’t seem to understand that tanking, for the most part, IS THE MOST DPS.

This is because you generate extra rage from incoming damage. Using a shield and staying in defensive stance 100% of the time are also unessesary in almost every case. Being protection spec as absolutely not requierd or even recomended.

Even at end game there are viable, and arguably superior fury dual wield tank specs.

As an arms warrrior I typically charge in, thunder clap, sweeping strikes, then go into defensive stance and cleave with my 2h for top dps.

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