There are no longer any healthy servers left to play on

It’s identical in that you could only free transfer to some selected servers. But it’s actually opposite. In vanilla, BC, or Wrath you wouldn’t get a free transfer to a “mega” server. Free transfers would be offered to transfer off a “mega” server.


“everything I don’t agree with is a lie.”

  • Ruke.
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Omg this old saw. Please stop. If they restructure the servers you are able to choose which server to go to AS FRIENDS. TOGETHER. If you just happen to be at that cut off point you all choose another server. AS FRIENDS. TOGETHER.

People have already pointed out that all these new people coming to WoW to play with their friends just don’t exists.

If your guild has topped out the server there’s no reason on earth why Blizzard wouldn’t allow players of that faction (including your guild) to choose another server. Why wouldn’t they?

It is entirely feasible. All Blizzard needs is a little innovation and foresight. And that right there is the problem.


Correct. And very few people took them


What happens when half of the people transfer and then the cut of point is reached?

You havnt actually answered this.

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Not at all.

Jokes on you - I actually prefer small servers.

Might want to check the current whitemane server demographic in 2 weeks. Bene and maybe Grobbulus is about to be the only 2 servers for alliance

Still waiting for someone to explain to me how blizzard would balance servers when it is currently like a 2 to 1 horde to alliance split on PvP servers.

PVE doesnt care as long as they reach the minimum threshold to do content.

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You just incentivize players to roll on certain servers or play on certain factions with little bonuses. FF14 used to give experience bonuses to characters on certain servers. So if there’s a WoW realm with very low pop, give an exp boost or something. That’ll encourage players to level there. Of course at max level there’s an even bigger issue. So add some scaling open world buff based on the faction imbalance. Think something like the Wintergrasp buff.

This is a playerbase that have been trained to look for any and every advantage. So the developers need to use that mentality to get them to go where they want. And people who whine about balance or unfairness can quiet down. The bigger issue is far more important.

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Sounds like creating 10-20 systems to solve one problem that only seems to bother a specific(vocal) section of the population. Each one has opportunities to have things go wrong, even more so when interlocking them all.

Most people are not going to re-roll at this point, so anything based on that thought is already a no go.

You don’t know that and neither do I. Only blizzard has those numbers. I know that both TB and Moonguard got free transfers to Wyrmrest Accord and Farstriders and I took them. When the population started to decline those servers were “connected” with other low population realms, merged in all but name. Those attempts to manage server populations worked for me. Blizzard is still trying to manage servers but this time it looks like they’re using free transfer to incentivize people to mass together on a few mega servers. If they can get everyone on the mega servers it’s a once and done solution to server population. If I were to guess they’re choosing a one time solution rather than ongoing management of server population.

You can 100% tell whether people took them or not.

If people did take them in significant numbers - we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Edit - that’s also why I said mergers are the only solution that works

Nonsense. MG, TB, WA, and Farstriders are all retail servers. How does a conversation about managing servers in classic mean people didn’t take free transfers in retail. And I mentioned both the free transfers and the hundreds of servers mergers in retail. Players had no choice but to take the server mergers.

I think you may have mistaken me.

Transfers from lower pop servers to higher pop servers work.

Transfers from higher pop servers to lower pop servers do not.

I’m 100% for opening free transfers off dying servers.

But people that want small servers are not satisfied with that option.

Server mergers work. But also destroy server community.

I’ve said that before

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You don’t know that. Moonguard was one of the most over crowded realm in wrath. Please give me the pop numbers before and after they offered free transfers off Moonguard to Farstriders.

It won’t work in classic, or retail now, because there is no longer any incentive to transfer off a mega realm. Though blizzard claimed that layers were only temporary in classic that was one of the things they silently changed. Not all changes to the game have been announced. So there is both a positive incentive to transfer to the mega server with the free transfers and no negative consequences like queues.

You can project this because if enough players moved off moongaurd to smaller servers… the smaller servers wouldn’t have died.

We are talking about the purpose of saving/dealing with dying servers after all.

If your goal is to stop servers from dying - it’s been proven xfers off high pop servers don’t work.

Now xfers off high population realms are proven to deal with realm congestion - but that’s a separate issue.

One which we are not discussing here.

they do when your in a raiding guild.


I live east coast.

I raided on Whitemane (West Coast).

It literally just makes 0 difference unless you cant find a guild that raids on your schedule which is rare unless youre on a dead server.

My guild xfered to Benediction for this week and we still have the same start times.

It literally makes no difference.

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Farstriders was a brand new server. It was empty when free transfers were offered to it from Moonguard. Enough people transfered or rolled that it was a great server until late Mop.

Then prove it. Cite some numbers.

I cant cite direct numbers but Blizzard literally just posted about this so i will cite what they said, which makes sense and is pretty much what we have all said.

Looking inward as a player, would you voluntarily move to the outnumbered faction on a realm? If the answer is yes, can you honestly say that you feel that a significant number of other players would make a similar choice?
Again, using the data we’ve gathered over the past few years, it’s fairly conclusive that players do not take advantage of FCMs or paid transfers to move to the underdog faction. It’s just not something that happens to a degree to move the needle in a positive direction, and offering that move as the only option that players have for free transfers is likely not going to be positively received by players who are unhappy with their current realm."
