Okay? I don’t care what you feel like you have to do. You asked about my experience.
come 2 deviate delight
the 58 boost is the #1 reason for this happening to all the servers. When it was just classic for the most part the abundance of servers were ok, there were a few servers in bad situations but it was nothing like now. The boosts 100% did caused this.
I get what you’re talking about. I haven’t even played on one of the very large mega servers because I don’t want to but I did watch a pug on a stream from a guild that transferred from Earthfury to Benediction.
It was a completely scuffed run filled with people disappearing at random and treating each other very poorly. The best description I could use is it was like a really bad Retail LFR. Everybody was out for themselves, people did not play their class properly and ghosted without a word. I see no reason to play in this kind of environment personally, if I wanted that I’d be playing Retail right now and not TBC with 20% of the content.
you are the only one left there jimmy. you and the 8 farmers
Your telling me a piss poor port of a 16 year old game that isn’t true to the original with 0 customer support and 0 dev support and 0 advertising and no respect for players time isn’t bringing in new players?
Windseeker be vibing
An easy fix would just be to merge the mega servers and add a layer or merge a mega server with a couple of other servers with the opposite faction to balance the pop out. Only blizz knows the real population of the servers. There was too many servers to start with in the beginning. They made that mistake with vanilla , they made a ton of servers and a lot of them were underpopulated. Then they did the same thing with tbc and now 70% are dead.
unless raid times and ping doesn’t matter to you
I think lots of people use Ironforge to determine server health. That only takes into account people that Raid or do Arenas.
I don’t agree, adding infinite layers caused this issue and allowing people to xfer to high pop realms. in Classic you could never have a server with 200000 pop as the queue would be 6+ hours on a Tuesdays. I’m not sure how allowing 58 boost causes any issues.
Mankrik has an estimated 7900 horde and Pagle has an estimated 8000 alliance. Both are Pve and both EST servers.
There are so many other servers that can be combined or linked in a way that would allow for more balanced servers.
If not, at least merge medium population servers or link them for cross realm gameplay with other medium population servers.
If blizzard can manage mega servers like Benediction with 20,000 players, I’m sure they can consolidate here.
Xfers existed during TBC.
Do people forget? This is not a new problem.
This problem existed in the original TBC as well.
I think lots of people use Ironforge to determine server health. That only takes into account people that Raid or do Arenas.
This is good to remember for everyone in general when talking about servers and this issue i think. I just started playing again about a week ago too on TBCC and i transfered 2 70s and a 60 off of Faerlina on 2 servers and 1 to another, and boosted a new 58. And i have just been leveling my 60 im on for like 4 hours minimum a day usually and really having fun. Planning to start leveling my new boosted horde character as well so maybe keep in mind that not everyone logging in is Raiding and doing arenas
No server transfers on SoM and all the same issues appeared anyways
Do you have the numbers? I would be surprised to see any server 25% of the PvP population on it. In TBC vanilla the realm caps where like 2500 players.
Grobb is healthy and fantastic and very open to RP friendly (you don’t have to RP) guilds.
It’s west coast timed but many live in east coast my ping is nothing from NY.
Unpopular opinion, but…
Blizzard needs to enable cross-realm zones for the pvp folks, heck even for the pve folks (so we can get some Terocone!!). They should also introduce cross realm grouping for Dungeons and Raids as well.
The sense of community is long gone at this point, I don’t see how this is a salvageable effort at this point. Sharding is not going to help population in-balances, and with Wrath coming up in the near future, I fear for my beloved Wintergrasp!
I couldn’t find them. But even 30/60…
Would mean there is only 194k alliance currently vs 3 million in 2006.
Spread across all of the servers… that’d not enough to fill every server and is an extremely low population
There were 8 million subs in 2006.
Faction imbalance was not an impactful issue back then due to the sheer number of players.
But that doesn’t mean it didn’t exist - just that the negative effects of imbalance were irrelevant.
Faction imbalance is an issue that becomes more noticeable/worse the less players you have. Even if the balance % remains the same.