To me the staged phase release is an incomprehensible decision that makes the expac boring. I already had to wait originally for each phases, but apparently it was too much to ask to have the final product with everything unlocked (such as the Netherdrake dailies and Sunfire Isle, etc).
It’s boring AF right now. If it wasn’t for my guild I’d have suspended my account until the final phase. No wonder it’s dying faster.
Server imbalance and lack of important, non-TBC damaging QoL doesn’t help either.
If it was all unlocked you would of quit two months ago.
Me personally no, I only have so much free time a week to play the game. I would’ve priorised some currently unreleased content over other tho,
But about ppl burning out on content in 2 months like idiots?
This is 100% a player issue for those that do, and frankly not my problem.
Grobb is alliance favored at 60/40 on the surface, but horde absolutely does hold their own quite well.
If you change your mind, you would have a good time here.
Great and respectful community even across factions.
West coast time zone is a slight inconvenience, but there are guilds with early (5pm server/8est) raid times.
I wish I could say that server faction balance is a player created issue but thanks to HvH it isn’t. I don’t blame Alliance players for all transferring to their own servers when the Horde get everything handed to them.
Are you sick of being killed/farmed every time you try and summon a friend or do a dungeon/raid/daily? That’s your fault for going Alliance. Horde have long BG queue times? New feature added to fix that for them.
I wish Alliance players the best of luck transferring to their own servers. Here on OCE we can’t - there are no majority Alliance servers. And even with a dwindling playerbase Horde will aggressively camp dungeon/raid entrances.
This is the part that really saddens me, which both sides are guilty of.
When the other faction is dwindling and not even a threat anymore, why do people have to go at them even harder…all they cause in the end is nobody left to pvp against at all. No more trading towers/pvp objectives and a part of the game being…just empty. I don’t see how killing them off entirely is actually fun.
If Blizzard has any ounce of respect for the players they would have capped transfers to servers based on faction population. They didn’t because they care more about the money that they get from transfers and see the faction problem as an opportunity to sell even more transfers. Truly despicable.
Either they are just so greedy and actively allowing the playerbase to destroy server faction balance and don’t care or they are so out of touch and ignorant that they don’t realize what is happeneing. Either way it reflects so very poorly on them , big SMH
Yeah… What could go wrong with this idea?
Imagine the complaints on these forums if blizzard policed this game to a point where a player can’t create a horde or alliance toon on a server their friends are on.
Y’all think you have a solution the fact is you don’t.
A solution may fix an issue for you but create an issue for another set of players, their is literally no winning.
Initially friends rolled on servers together, and if there had been faction locks they could have chosen another server together.
All these new people coming to TBCC to play with their friends just don’t exist.
But it wouldn’t. And even if it did those few people are not worth scuffing the ENTIRE game over.
This is just another empty excuse.
Unless you wanna raid. Popular start times are very inconvenient to those who have fixed 9-5 schedules.
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7-730 start times are very doable…
5pm PST is 8pm EST… Not doable.
7pm PST is 10PM EST. Raids ending at 1am EST would suck for those who have to get up early.
Okay yeah, that was assuming you were raiding in your time zone.
I play on Shadowstrike for SOM. I think its PST, which whould suck if I cared about doing anything but getting a toon to 60 w/o dying. Fortunately, that’s all I’m doing.
Had it occurred to anyone that the faction numbers are skewed due to the gold sellers/boosters migrating to high pop servers? They also give the illusion that a server is ‘healthy’ due to constant spam and shear numbers. Also keep in mind how many players use several accounts at a time for various reasons.
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Who here has not pugged mag/gruuls on a megaserver? It is literally hell.
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How so, all the gruul/mags pugs I’ve done have been fine, typically one shots with a decent pay out for less than an hour of time.
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Sure, that’s great. But discord is full of the most degenerate, retarded people you will ever meet. It’s entertaining for 10 minutes.
Look I’ll explain it in terms you can understand. You’re stuck in a All Gas No Brakes video for 1 hour at least, but you have to interact with those people.
I don’t have to interact with them though beyond maybe listening for raid call outs and obviously how the raid goes, which as I said are usually fine since we’re one shotting things.