There are 18 Classic streams ahead of the top retail stream

I mean you keep saying that interest isn’t dying down yet my like 4k queue as opposed to 13k queue on Stalagg after work is saying otherwise. With the transfer server that is merged faerlina/stalagg never reaching a Full status so it isn’t like people are taking blizzard up on the offer.

Not sure why anyone cares. Wow isn’t going to die anytime soon, whether classic or retail.

I’m right there with you! I’d rather play the game myself :man_shrugging:t4:



I would assume the population hasn’t normalized yet its only been what 2 weeks?

Between free server transfers and them increasing the number of people allowed on the server to almost double, its almost like that is the likely cause of a decrease in que time.

You mean the increase in server capacity that happened over a week ago? You mean the one that was met with threads of queues barely going down for the actual oversized servers? Is that the server capacity increase we are talking about? Because after that was hotfixed in my queues went from like 14k to 11k.

That would probably be because people can actually get into the servers now that they’re not so congested

Yea like i said, more people playing than watching is good.

Check back when we enter the full states of “but you don’t”

We are currently in the “you think you do” stage for the majority of those that will leave.

Thank god, I can’t wait for Twitch to die its painful death. Though with it turning into a borderline fetish site it’ll probably find new customers anyways.


Retail has been out for 15 years. Classic 1 month.

You’re surprised it has more viewers and interest?

Spoiler alert… twitch is not going to die and is not going anywhere. Of any platform or technology in the gaming space, nothing has grown as fast and set to explode.

This coming from someone who doesn’t use twitch nor see the appeal. But you can’t deny its user base and the fact it is growing exponentially. It is quickly becoming a billion dollar ad platform.

Stream spergs follow the person not the game. If the neckbeards wanted, you’d be typing this thread up to read “There are 18 My Little Pony Online streams ahead of the top retail stream”…

Not to mention, retail is an absolute piece of shiz dumpsterfire.

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And like all of these platforms that get greedy, once you start getting 2-3 ads back-to-back every 5 minutes, you’ll quickly see an exodus to the next coolest, not so heavily monetized platform.

That’s weird, I thought it was 15 years old.

Who cares? Do you need validation you are playing the ‘right’ game?

FWIW there were many more streams last week and certainly during launch. Better jump ship now! Lol

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The same ones who defend retail by saying.

It’s only alpha bro

Dude it’s only beta

It’s just launch calm down

It’s only the first patch…

It’s only the last patch, they ll get it right next xpac

it used be 20 streams. Next week itll be 17 streams. WoW is dead, both versions.

World PvP alone will keep Classic on top on twitch if there isn’t a world first race going on at retail.

Very simple and easy to follow the action with streamer commentary.