There are 18 Classic streams ahead of the top retail stream

And those people are stupid. But I think there’s going to be less people playing 2 years from now than there are now. But that shouldn’t matter. For me personally, as long as my server has a somewhat active population, I could not care less about the Twitch numbers or what streamer is streaming what, I’m just going to play the game.

Did anyone really think there would be a noticeable decline after a few weeks? I don’t think so. Now in a month or two. Yeah, the numbers will decline. And that’s fine.

World of Warcraft CLASSIC was released only a few weeks ago.

If you cant differentiate between it being current 15 years ago and majority of the playerbase not having been able to play it until two weeks ago then I cant help you.

lol that’s a good one.

If you cant differentiate between those who were willing to risk playing on private servers and those who werent, and clearly the minority played the private servers according to the sub counts on them, then yeah, still cant help ya bud.

Classic’s popularity is not the same as a new expansion or new game’s popularity. New content, people don’t know what it has to offer so curiosity combines with hype. In a re-release of an old old game that not only most people played 15 years ago but mass amounts of players have been able to play on private servers almost everybody knows what they are getting themselves into. If it is still as hyped as it is and having this successful of a launch, that’s a testament to the game, not to the hype.

But yeah, keep trying to invalidate its success.

This here is laughable

Its been successful for two weeks because the hype hasnt died down yet, I will give a half hearted golf clap for those who are either surprised by that or gloating about it. When BFA patch launches and there is 18 more streams ahead of the classic one (as it will cause streamers go where the hype is) then will you guys be posting about that?

In 2016, Nostralius released their report showing across all popular private servers there were over a million active accounts (not just created) at any one time. I’d call that a mass amount.

And it seems as though you’re forgetting how fast BFA’s dropoff was after launch, combined with how many more resources it took to create than Classic. Classic has a higher peak popularity and maintained hype for a longer period of time while also costing them significantly less resources to make all while being an old game that everyone already knew what it offered.

That shouldn’t upset you, but it does. Weird stuff. Anyway, raid time.


It actually doesn’t upset me, Im enjoying classic and playing it everyday. The overglorifying of it though from some in this community is ridiculous.

Friendly reminder I play both Live and Classic.

Stay butthurt ya’ll.

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Highlighting how many streams there are showing Classic is not “over” glorifying it. It is perfectly accurately glorifying it.

So when BFA patch releases and these same streamers are streaming BFA instead of Classic, will that mean its better?

Who cares what steamers are doing?

I’m reading the OP but I can’t quite find it, maybe you can show me.

Where does he say that “Classic has more streams therefore its better”

What I read is him using the amount of streams to protest the idea that there is a declining interest in Classic.

I’ll wait.

so when the 1 hour of content patch comes out?

Ok let me reword that then.

Once the BFA patch releases and there is significantly more BFA streams, does that mean Classic has a declining interest?

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If those views come at the expensive of Classic streams and less people play Classic, that is literally what it would mean. After that, it depends on retention. BFA did not retain its participants after the first week in the same way Classic has. 8.2 slowed down considerably fast. Why is that hard for you?

whats there to do in retail besides getting a rng lootbox at the end of the week?

I’m betting money you’ve never done any raiding past LFR :wink: