There are 18 Classic streams ahead of the top retail stream


Interest in classic WoW beta died off after 8.2 released.

I’m already seeing much lower queue times and twitch viewership. I’m not going to pretend either classic or BFA is dying; I’m just pointing out how this thread is extremely ignorant of how much recency of release matters in terms of interest in the game.


I mean, it did drop like hundreds of thousands of viewers. Regardless, who cares? Less people watching, more playing is a good thing imo.

I mean, it is declining?

https:// sullygnome. com/game/World_of_Warcraft/30/summary

Not sure what point you’re trying to make here, heh.

I never understood how people equate twitch views to people playing. Twitch is not just wow, anyone can browse games and view. Anyway, more playing less watching is better.

If we’re going to judge it by Twitch views because blizzard won’t release actual numbers, then Classic had over twice the number of viewers during its “release spurt”. Even judging by their spurts, Classic is ahead.

BfA was nothing more than a spurt to me.

What other metric are people going by then? Because realms that had gigantic queues now have much shorter queues and no queues for most of the day

The most popular OCE server had a 10 hour queue on release now only has a 1~ hour queue between 8pm-9pm then it goes away again.

The fact everyone praising the downfall of Retail is sub level 30 makes me laugh :weary::sweat_drops::ok_hand:

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Just read the OP again. He brings up twitch views, which has actually declined by quite a lot in the last week, saying it’s not declining. But who really cares if it does. Are you finding a lack of players? I know I’m not.

“Praising the downfall?” No, I’m just being real here. Also, you’re here posting on a retail toon :joy:

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Yes so people can see my achievements and get butthurt when they try to call me a catababy but see I have the scourge event tabard and the dark opening portal tabard :rofl:

Woah bro, you got 2 levels on me

World of Warcraft maintains its spot at the top of Twitch despite a sizeable drop in hours watched from the previous week when Classic launched.

World of Warcraft set records for the year on Twitch with 47.1M hours watched two weeks ago and though the game didn’t see nearly as high viewership this past week, it was still strong enough to sit far ahead of all other forms of content

As a far past level 30, I do not think retail is going to die.

Neither are going to die, I know.

Classic will die because Classic+ will never happen and the quicker people realise that the quicker people can jump on the BC server which was miles better than Vanilla anyway.

Neither will. They are both excellent versions of the game.

Except retail will keep having content added.

But i concede there will always be 1-3 classic servers


As will Classic. 4 phases which will be good for a couple years.


Oh i mean yeah, if you want to classify re-releasing content then sure.

But phase 2 eta is ??
And BWL/WSG/AB doesn’t come out until phase 3.

Theres already a content drought and it’s week two :’(

Content drought? Most are like 30-40. I see, you are counting the 0.1% of players.

And there are 14,000 ASMR streams above WoW Classic.

Just relax and enjoy the soothing susurrant sounds, son.