The zandalari and the treaty

At this point t he Zandalari are as much Horde as the Kul-Tirans are Alliance.

For practical purposes, yes.

For story purposes, I’m not so sure. I think Kul’Tiras is now a fully-fledged member of the Alliance. The Zandalari entry scenario, however, was emphatic that they were allying with the Horde as opposed to joining the Horde.


I’m suspecting that Sylvanas dumped their remaining fleet into Nazjatar because Talanji stood up to her.


Usually people asking to join your faction group is a situation that should be talked by all the members of the council since that by itself is a big deal. At the very least he should talk a little with Thalyssra on what she thinks of the situation to give a sensation of a council goverment.

Now it looks like he’s warchief but in name


Not gonna happen. Thankfully.

Game is called World of WARcraft. You can go be a carebear on FF14 or tera tyvm.


I never thought of it before but it makes alot of sense.


“War extended by diplomatic irregularity.” She is de jute at war but, until we see otherwise (which is far from out of the question), de jure at peace.

Sylvanas burning Teldrassil seemed a bit much. But if Nisha and Talanji burn Boralus and Stormwind to ashes, it would be but a stepping stone to recompense.

Tauren were once said to have shared most of the Night Elf distaste for arcane magic, especially the oversoaked level of the Blood Elves and Nightbourne. Baine is a leader of a senior faction of the horde… and he’s a bull, so he’s showing dominance.

He didn’t show it for most BFA and just now when the big mean banshee is gone, he decides to be a macho man and take matters in his own hands? A bit late to do such things and in the less appropiate moment

I truly hope this is the only exception and not just a “creative” solution of him being the warchief but in name mostly because he is disliked by a big portion of the playerbase(or at least a loud one)


I would go with loud rather than “big”.

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Until the Alliance and Horde decided to punish members of their own faction for engaging in any hostilities with the side, treating any armed conflict from skirmishes to the movement of batallions as crimes to be tried, all this armistice means is that any violence between the two factions is not officially sanctioned by either side, but is expected ot occur at the hands of those acting on their own.

Until the Night Elves decided to recede from the Alliance, they cannot, in fact, declare open war with the Horde. Their membership is tacit agreement to the treaty even if Tyrande herself doesn’t sign it, but she knows that she has no support from those that did if she tries to mobilize. When Gilneas, Silvermoon, and Stromgarde didn’t want to adhere to Lordaeron’s political initiatives after the Second War, they /gquit.

She’s hamstrung, and she’s mad because she knows it.

Yes, it’s possible.

Does it mean anything? No.

The Zandalari Trolls are aligned to the Horde. Talanji’s insistence that she not be beneath Sylvanas was a power play because she knows she can negotiate her way out of subservience because of how coveted the allegiance was.

Since Sylvanas is out of the picture, she no longer has to dance around the demand to bend a knee, and no one is about to ask her to do so.

We’re going to get another faction war. The only thing we can hope for is that the writing team wakes up and tells a better story next time.


So in order to declare war on the horde they really need to be out of the alliance?

Do we have any actual source on the actual state of the other nations in the alliance as members of it?.

well i hope she does. i think that it would be interesting to see the moral about helping her or not. either choice would be bad and that would be great.

god no. just stop this madness.


We’ve only seen it play out with the Alliance of Lordaeron. It’s not the same as the current Alliance, mostly because of the sheer difference of non-human races now a part of it, but we can draw a reasonable conclusion. The Blood Elves spoke about leaving the Horde to because they didn’t to support / protect their people from Garrosh.

It follows to reason: If a member-race of the Alliance don’t want to follow Alliance policies, they may have to leave to pursue their own agenda.

And I suppose she’d get some support from Genn, if he grows a spine and tries to push Anduin a little harder, or go behind his back. I don’t know.

As a Horde player, internal faction divide has actually sucked pretty hard. I hope that Blizzard can handle tension in the Alliance without going full-blown rebellion. It was fun the first time but now it’s just awful.

it’s bound to happen. When the Horde and Alliance are not banding together to stop a threat to their survival, they will be in competition with one another for power and resources. They can’t afford to let the other get more powerful than they are. The thing that always ruins peace is when one group realizes they can blindside the other.

it does seem troublesome the idea of “internal conflict” that blizzard has.
it seem like they take it no one extreme with the horde, in the alliance we did had a thing or two in the past, but is extremely lite considering that either is resolved asap, or it is resolved behind camera.

The only way to actually get to “true peace” is by having an actual common enemy that is a threat and make both factions think that war is a bad idea.

i would not be surprised if sylvanas tries to become lelouch and “all the hate is focused on me” or something like that.

Horde has ALL THE DIVIDE and Alliance has none. But tension is better, and locking horns is sometimes productive. Blizzard just needs to put the villain bat away.

plz no

Zandalar is the definition of an “ally” not a “member state”. Talanji did not take the blood oath because she is a Queen. No one else in Zandalar did either. They simply agreed to form an official partnership with the Horde(think US and UK). They look out for each other but Zandalar is under no obligation to support the treaty anymore than England is “obligated” to support everything we do. They’re not. They can remain at war if they choose but they’ll be going at it alone. Talanji knows that even with the full fleet NOT destroyed they still stood no chance alone against the entire Alliance.

The irony is that XIV has much more competently written wars. Actual politicking both between factions and within them, actual usage of propaganda and espionage, and actual talk of tactics and deployment adds so much.


So far datamining for the end of 8.3 shows this is not the case:

    Jaina: The Old God has been vanquished. The Alliance and Horde have ended hostilities.
    Jaina: This should be a day of celebration, Anduin. Yet you wear your troubles like a crown.
    Anduin: I’m so glad that after all you endured, you have found peace within your heart, Jaina. I can’t say the same about myself, though. Not yet.
    Anduin: Sylvanas is out there somewhere. Until she’s brought to justice, I don’t think Tyrande or Genn will truly consider the war to be over.

I think you might have missed the Alliance side introductory questing to the Darkshore Warfront, where Tyrande did mobilize without Anduin’s support, and Genn did keep his word and supported the Night Elves when Anduin didn’t.


There’s also Genn’s post raid dialogue: “To make peace, we must prepare for war.”