The zandalari and the treaty

Greetings, so i was wondering today what is going to be the fate of the zandalari.
and i was thinking about, that tyrande didn’t signed anything, that means that the nelfs at least are currently at open war with the horde.

So,knowing that the horde doesn’t have a warchief anymore and that the zandalari are not under the “horde”.

Could be possible that talanji can refuse to sign anything?

Since is just an armistice, the peace negotiations are still ongoing.

personally i hope that this doesnt’ mean another faction war, but i feel like that is something that needs to be adressed.

with this will mean, that the war versus the zandalari and the alliance will still be at open war.
And we would see this plotpoint explored in the future or something like that?


I really want another faction war, one in which the horde finally loses something.

Possibly, I specifically want the night elves to do something, but I don’t want to see something like the night elves vs. Zandalari trolls because A) The Night Elves have no reason to attack the Zandalari trolls at all and B) The Zandalari trolls have no reason to attack the Night Elves (atleast not over the humans or other alliance races). Also, do we know that Talanji didn’t sign the treaty? As far as I know, we only have evidence of Tyrande not doing it so far, but I might be wrong.

I think that is something that’s too far in the future if there’s even going to happen something like that, maybe like in 2 expansions from now.

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i personally don’t want it anymore because i don’t think that is healty for anyone.

No we don’t, that is why i am asking, it is possible that she simply can say no?

or maybe blizzard will simply forget about them?


While it wouldn’t happen for a number of reasons, a showdown between night elf-adjacent Wild Gods and Zandalari Loa would be pretty epic.

On the whole, however, I just want this faction war plot to disappear forever.


There’s no reason to think that she won’t fall in line.

The Armistice is probably enforced on the Night Elves because of the ‘High King’ Thing, though I don’t really have the background knowledge of what the position actually entails.
The Zandalari would probably be pressured to agree by the rest of the Horde if I had to guess.

The High King is not supposed to have command over the other races. Though Blizz sometimes makes it seem like this…


In what manner?

Having the alliance deal unforgivable and unthinkable atrocities against the horde, then trade 1 city for it, blame it all on 1 person and get away without losing anything or without having to show any remorse.

Faction war is good, it’s what this game used to be all about, but the last 2 faction wars were an absolute joke and completely unreasonable from both factions.

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They would lose their moral high ground.

Not that I would particularly mind that, but Blizzard’s storytelling is based on the Alliance being the white-knight heroes. You don’t get to commit genocide and keep that framing, now matter how naughty the people you’re exterminating are.


Yea sure. There is no judge in WoW, if moral high ground means losing and losing and never striking back, then I don’t want it. Besides, the alliance would have to do a lot in order for the horde to get the moral high ground, way more than just 1 genocide.

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Sounds close to what the alliance has done to the zandalari. Funny enough, the alliance not flattening dazar’alor might be an atrocity to the horde in a different way.


That’s… that’s not how it works.

It’s kinda binary. Either you’ve done it or you haven’t.


You mean killing 1 king that refused to surrender? That’s nothing compared to the horde, absolutely nothing.


The nelves aren’t in open war lol

Even if the Zandalari wanted to continue fighting the Alliance in retaliation for their attacks and King Rastakhan’s death, they’re an island nation that’s missing a really large chunk of is naval forces. They’re also still dealing with the aftermath of the battle, a civil war, and the first succession in centuries.

While I’m sure relations with the Alliance will remain cool/antagonistic and occasional clashes/raids when the few remaining ships pass aren’t out of the question, dedicating time, resources and people to waging a formal war is pretty much out of the question.


Compared to the horde, the alliance lost nobody besides guzbert gizmoflank.

edit: I almost forgot Delaryn Summermoon!


yea besides tens of thousands of innocent lives and all of their credibility


Since Saurfang is dead and Sylvanas left, now there’s really nothing we could push onto them. Take why Genn chases Sylvanas if you would.


maybe, but there is no reason to think either that she would agree with the peace.

Anduin does not have autority over the kaldorei as a nation, that depends on tyrande who already said that she is not having any of it.

hm thats probably true,yes.

but i can see them trying to blame everything on sylvanas so talanji can forget about the alliance.

and this is why faction war is not good any longer.

i don’t think that is an atrocity at all… we were too soft with those guys.

tyrande not signing the treaty doesn’t mean that she is at open war?
how does that even works?

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