The zandalari and the treaty

No, now the horde members do that to their new council which seems Baine is leading according to the Vulpera questline


Seems like a rather presumptuous statement considering we haven’t seen the council working yet.

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Though It’s subjected to changes I hope this changes because the council leaded by a warchi—I mean high chieftain is bad, that will steal spotlight to the other races.


::He would look to Stromgarde.::
::He would look to Darkshore and Ashenvale.::
::He would look to the tide item that controlled the seas.::
::He would look to the complete entirety of the expansion, sans the World Stump.::


Horde never had them in the first place those are alliance zones.

the one that’s completely useless and never mentioned again?

Horde won BfA by wiping out an alliance race and not losing anything in response to that.

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I’m too tired to link wowpedia to you.

No. The one that could’ve drowned your fleet and was never mentioned again. Just because YOU didn’t use it doesn’t mean we didn’t lose something.



???.. So losing every single engagement following that event doesn’t count?


Losing war machinery can’t make up for such a huge number of innocent lives lost and as of 8.2.5 the horde was far stronger than the alliance.

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We lost Darkshore. We had the home of our new allies raided and its king killed. We lost our Warchief. We stood again on the verge of civil war. We lost one of our most iconic characters that had over 15 years of character development (Saurfang). We lost the Undercity. Concluding all that, we lost the war.

And yet because the Alliance lost one city that saw barely any use and a bunch of unnamed Night Elves… Somehow that means the Alliance didn’t win enough…?

Stop it man


You do understand that an Armistice IS NOT a treaty.
The two Koreas for example are under an armistice.

They do not have a treaty because an armistice is not an end to an armed conflict but nothing more than an agreement to stop shooting at each other… for now.

In Koreas’ case we’re talkng about a highly unusual armistice that’s been going on for six decades without a peace treaty resolution.

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I thought they signed one already.

It’s like the ultimate waiting game, so intense.

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Nope… technically speaking, the two Koreas remain at war with each other.

The Zandalari were never under the Horde; they came in officially as an equal partner to the Faction. The Bilgewater never swore an oath to the Warchief either, and have always been more in a business partnership between the two groups.

The real questions is … with the Warchief position gone … does that mean that all races bound by an Oath the Warchief now of a similar position to the Zandalari and Bilgewater. A council would suggest as such wouldn’t it?


Just look at the Vulpera scenario how the horde is run. Baine has the last say in what to do and doesn’t even consult with members of the council(Thalyssra is right next to him and he doesn’t even speak to her)

We don’t fully understand their system of governance yet. It may just be that a single no from any member of the council is enough to take an issue off the table.

The Night Elves have been forsaken by Elune. Their destiny lies with the Horde. In the next war Night Elf dark rangers will fight side by side with the Zandalari.

weird flex but ok.

I hope she doesn’t sign it. Trolls and Alliance killing each other? What could be better?

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In theory only members of ‘the horde’ would be bound by decisions of the horde council. The Zandalari are a separate entity/empire, not strictly speaking part of the horde, so would not be bound by decisions made by the horde council. Decisions made by the Horde council would however need to be brought to the attention of the Zandalari Empire for their approval.