Well, I was excited for a minute, but…
“You have entered too many instances lately”
Sigh. Guess I’m locked out of the game for an hour now. Fun.
Well, I was excited for a minute, but…
“You have entered too many instances lately”
Sigh. Guess I’m locked out of the game for an hour now. Fun.
So what is it now…only on first run of day for the new mount or not…I found this on Twitter…"“New drops, such as the Love Witch’s Sweeper, can only drop on your first attempt of the day (WoW account-wide), and will see an increasing chance to drop with each new day that a first attempt is completed.”
Yes. The new mount only drops on the first run of the day, confirmed by blue.
Rocket can drop after the first run at the original very low droprate.
I got the new mount on my second kill. I did it first with my hunter then with my mage and it dropped on my mage. I don’t know lol
Yeh but that link is wrongish, it does not clarify exactly what they refer to as rare and first chance of the day only.
The blue post here on this forum post is more accurate from what we have all been experiencing since they ‘changed it to first chance only’ in that legacy mounts can drop from subsequent boxes at a lower rate.
So far since they started making this change, every queue had had reports of mounts, skins and all the other stuff dropping from the second+ queue of the day, until now.
The only reports of the broom dropping on an alt have been using the multibox trick, which we assume, not 100% confirmed, counts all 5 boxes as a higher chance to get the mount, or people getting the mount around reset time and either the game bugging out or people not realising reset has just happened.
We had this on the last reset, someone claimed their 10th alt got the broom, but also stated they thought reset happened an hour earlier than it did.
Fun fact, that’s per server. You can make a level 10 on another server and bypass the 10 instance limit.
Yet i got broom on 2nd toon of the day after i ran main toon at 10am 2nd toon ran at 1008am
You… are my hero! <3
I had no idea.
Weird. Well, perhaps this is unintentional. Grats either way!
Yep same with me first toon got helm switched toons got on alt ran again got broom as well which is the NEW mount Either the chest is broken or blizzard is lying about only 1 kill per account per a day
Yeh but we’ve already discussed this as a possibility that something went wrong since you ran the first queue at reset time.
We need someone to confirm they ran alt queues well past reset and got the broom.
some one else just did
Again which the heck is it…first only or alt drop…
my two chars were not run during resets, it was done in the evening EST.
So that would be one. One whole report of someone running 2 different alt queues nowhere near reset. Considering there are thousands or more of the rocket dropping for alts, I’m not going to hold my breath on this one.
I dont understand why its even a low droprate at this point, its been 15 years. Anybody that wants it should be able to get it.
So, it is still worth farming on multiple characters for the X-45… RIP my sanity.
Jk I can’t be bothered running 50 characters for the last decade anymore
I honestly feel like the Maintenance Yesterday broke the chest drop or they changed it to allow alts to get the broom instead of only first kill per account per a day…either way you and me getting it on alts shows it can drop after first kill
Should be on vendor for like X amount of love tokens… but also make it so the love tokens dont vanish after the event so to afford it from vendor you have to stock pile them
Haha yeah, I was thinking… Man how’s Sendryn going to find out with the thread muted lol. It just kinda boggled my mind they were so 100% about it when there hadn’t been any confirmation on how the rocket was being classified. I’m really glad they clarified though!
Sendryn is weird and is one of the white knight deniers who sticks to their guns even if we shoved video evidence in their face. I’m still holding out hope the broom can genuinely be obtained from alt queues, but with so far from what I have seen ONE entire report of it happening, sometime hours after reset, it’s not looking likely to be possible.
Oh haha I didn’t actually see this post referenced in the wowhead article.