- The X-45 Heartbreaker appears to only have a chance to drop from the first Heart-Shaped Box looted per day per Warband.
- Other event rewards (pets, toys, cosmetics) may still drop from later boxes, but no definitive confirmation has been made about the mount dropping more than once per day.
- Conflicting GM responses and player reports suggest Blizzard’s communication isn’t entirely consistent, so it’s unclear if this system is intentional or if a hotfix might change it.
Last year people reported it dropping on secondary runs. The drop rate is just higher on the first run of the day.
I’m not sure how many times this needs posted…
The first of these earned by your Warband each day has a chance to include rare rewards.
There are comments on Wowhead saying that all of the old goodies, including the Heartbreaker, can still drop from repeat kills.
I’m going to assume the only thing that the new rule actually applies to is the new broom.
But wait…
Does the mount only have a chance to drop from the first Heart-Shaped Box per Warband per day?
Again, If needs to be posted is because isn’t clear and there’s reports in EU forums about Hallow’s end after that June post regarding drops in alts.
I still think that tool tip should specifically mention that only the first attempt has a chance.
It’s insanely clear.
It does. Plain as day.
My dad who works at Nintendo got the Love Rocket (please don’t ever say Heartbreaker) on the third kill of the day on a troll shaman alt. Everyone with thirty or so alts, DEFINITELY keep farming every single day on every single one of them.
I wish in the very leasty blizzard would ocmmunicate
Actually no, it’s not. I’m sharing this (fresh) thread from the EU forums: When GMs are specifically asked about mount drop rates, the responses are inconsistent. Examples in the comments:
That is my assumption, for now at least. As I continue to spam it on alts. We shall see lol.
I’ll be doing these regardless for currency.
Middle of the road guy here. The tool-tip does look pretty clear cut…however, it’s confusing because they haven’t explained which items are “rare” and which are standard so nobody knows what the limitations apply to.
just glad i only have to run 1 toon a day instead of all 50, only need the new re-color broom mount
The chance from the first box is greatly increased to drop the mounts but you can still get them from any other boxes you try with your alts, but low % drop that’s it. (0.07%)
Why is this mount a big thing? If it drops then it’s good. If it doesnt, it is still okay. So what if you dont have the mount?
There’s gazillion mounts on our inventory and we can only use one at a time.

The chance from the first box is greatly increased to drop the mounts but you can still get them from any other boxes you try with your alts, but low % drop that’s it. (0.07%)
This is incorrect. Please read the tooltip on the box.
then you believe your way

The X-45 Heartbreaker only has a chance to drop from the first Heart-Shaped Box per Warband per day
Fantastic! Thank you for this information.
I’m sure you’ve come to this conclusion based on either a blue confirmation, something datamined, or a robust sampling of runs at least in the tens of thousands. Right?
…right? You have substantial proof of this right?
There’s no “belief.” It’s in black and white.
The first of these earned by your Warband each day has a chance to include rare rewards.

I’m sure you’ve come to this conclusion based on
The literal tooltip on the box and the June 2024 news article by Blizzard.