The X-45 Heartbreaker chance to drop

Can you comment if using multiple accounts on your one accounts in one run to get 5x chances a day intentional or an exploit?

Cause I don’t want to exploit, but seeing people get multiple brooms in one run doing this makes me annoyed I don’t want to.

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Well me and one other person have confirmed we got it on a alt on same account we ran main toon then switched to a different toon and got it. same account

Sure sounds like an exploit to me lol.

If you can’t beat 'em join 'em.

There is a bug with the first chance hidden quest, if you obtain 5 boxes at once they all flag for the higher drop rate, not sure though if the flag is cleared when you get the box or when you open it however.

But look, if Blizzard are going to be all secretive, not telling us things like exactly what the actual drop rates are, how much it increases each day, is it reset each year, and, most importantly why after 20 years is everything still RNG? Where’s the years’ worth of currencies we can obtain to be able to buy things like the love rocket for some obscure price of like 10000 tokens?

There are bigger issues than people running 5 accounts at once and I think it’s about time Blizzard just made changes to appease the player base. And i’ll say this from someone who has gone past 1000 total mounts and have both the RNG mounts from this event and now every single holiday event mount, I don’t care if they changed it to a 100% drop rate tomorrow, it makes zero difference to me, let people be happy.

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They need to just make event currency a Warbound-Currency and not disappear when the event ends and put all rare drops like Love Rocket, Horseman, etc. on the vendors for an amount of currency that would take 2-3 years to accumulate on one toon, but for those who want to farm it, they can with alts. That way the mounts become something to ACTUALLY work towards for people, rather than praying to RNGsus every day.

But still leave them in the loot bags for people who do want to do it daily while they farm the currency.

There’s zero reason for lootbags in 2025. I did Love is in the Air EVERY DAY last year when the Drake Armor was new, I did not get it.

I did every single chance I was given by Blizzard to obtain it and I did not obtain it.

That should not happen. Period.


FYI - tooltip was ambiguous :slight_smile:

That’s how rolls work. If everything is guaranteed, nothing is rare.

Wow, interesting info! Makes sense to explain why I never got the too many instances per hour issue, I have a char per server.

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My takeaway is that time/effort is once a day ( for me)

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I have been doing this ever since it first came out and no luck.

I have friends that never play and they have done it only once a day and have gotten the mounts. Last year I have two friends that got the rocket with just playing once and this year they got the broom.

I play regularly and I wonder if me doing it on 51+ alts is being held against me somehow? Maybe the little you play, the higher the chance? Is my luck really that bad?


There is an old theory about this, no way to confirm if it really happens or not, but the theory goes:

  • The less you play the higher chance you have to get something shiny
  • A new account has a higher chance to get something shiny
  • A returning player has a higher chance

Again we can’t really confirm this to be true or not, people will call gamblers fallacy, but I’ve had it happen to me before and had a friend do it a couple of times over the years, make a new account, put a $20 sub on it, and go farming and see what happens.


I wonder if making a new account would have to be a completely new account too to test this theory



Are you me!?:dracthyr_uwahh_animated: Lol jk, but no really. I have had IRL friends who’ve looted the mount literally like 10 or more years ago, who have since quit Retail and moved on to Classic…I’ve made new buddies here and there, who have gotten the X-45 after only starting playing in Dragonflight. (Dunno about the broom currently.) Even down to the number of alts I have, which is exactly 51 characters who are X-45 loot eligible… I have 99.9% given up hope on looting the Heartbreaker. I just really enjoy playing a buncha different classes. :person_shrugging:

So, no, you’re luck really isn’t that bad. It really do be like that out here. (You aren’t the only one!)

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Wait so I actually wasted my time running this on like 9 alts today?

I got mine last year on the 2nd to the last day of the event, on the 3rd character I ran. I ran 2 accounts with 31 toons over 60+ to be eligible for the mount.

My pally was the 3rd toon I ran that day.

This year, I only have 23 toons > 70+ to run the dungeon for the broom. I did not get it on the 1st day I ran the dungeon (yesterday) but I got it on the 1st toon I ran it on today, the pally, because I am superstitious.

No, if you read further down it has been clarified for drop chances for the X-45 and the broom, tho some have said they’ve gotten the broom on alts also so who knows about that one.

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This mount is the work of Lootcifer.


We can’t appreciate light without darkness. All hail Lootcifer \m/

Pls don’t tell Turalyon I said that.

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Does the increased drop rate carry over year-to-year? I.e If you didn’t receive the Love Witch’s sweeper / Renewed Proto-Drake: Love Armor, but still ran it every day, will you have a higher drop rate on the next year or does it reset back to the baseline drop rate at the start of the holiday?


After years and years people just want this reward there’s no shock and awe for somebody who has it cause it’s pure luck, rewards shouldn’t take 10 years and 400 attempts to get.