The X-45 Heartbreaker chance to drop

10am right at reset time first toon was done at 10:03 2nd toon was done prop 10:08 ques where instant do to Tank que so was Not long but was right at reset time. im east time so reset is 10am for me

You need to add the ā€˜increased drop chanceā€™ protection on the Love Rocket too.

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Iā€™m going to be at 90 runs after this spurt. I want to slap myself.

I already have 6,000 Love Tokensā€¦ I havenā€™t done a single questā€¦

This is another one where you say you queued just on reset, but did you queue less than a minute before reset and it counted as yesterdays queue? Or was it less than 1 minute after reset? Remember that reset is not until 1 minute past the hour, for whatever reason, if you queue on the hour it might have counted as yesterdays queue still.

What we really need is someone to show up like ā€œI queued 20 minutes ago, then queued again now and got the sweeper, reset was 6 hours ago.ā€

Thereā€™s some players reporting on twitter that they got broom at 5 daily attempt, Iā€™ll wait for more reports since thereā€™s a lot of players grinding both using alts.

Are they queuing with 5 separate queues? Or are they doing what some of us are doing and queuing 5 accounts at the same time and multiboxing the queue?

I done this, one main account, 4 trial accounts, it works, you can get the mounts on level 10s and learn them, thatā€™s how I got my broom.

why would i que before reset when it wouldnt give a chest? lol that be stupid chest only drops after resetā€¦and since alt never ran before when i switched regardless it was after reset so both got the chestā€¦looking at dungeon now on MAIN toon running it now does NOT give chest bc he already got the chest for todayā€¦you can RUN alts alts WILL get a chestā€¦but only first one of the day is SUPPOSE to drop the rare itemā€¦but they are dropping stillā€¦hope this cleared up your confusion or here

Toon 1 10am reset time ran dungeon got chest opened got helm (LOG OFF SWITCH)
Toon 2 1008amsh Qued for dungeon instant Que boss Died got chest opened chest got Broom Time stamp when i took screen shot 10:12am

So I missed out on a whole day yesterday of alts farm . Thanks a lot blizz

https ://

quote ā€œyes! i was doing it on alts thinking id already done it on my main, but apparently i hadnā€™tā€¦ so i did it on her and it dropped after about 5 other alt runsā€

I did the dungeon twice and got a mount the first time both days.

Seems like itā€™s working as advertised

Except they said broom should only drop on first toon of the day when for me it dropped on 2nd toon of the day

You just got lucky, there are plenty of us that have been at it with armies of alts for many many years and still have nothing to show for it lol


:dracthyr_cry_animated: :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

Iā€™m running so many alts right now

Iā€™m willing to bet the blue post has the better information.

Iā€™ll stick with that

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2.27AM (my time) the post was made, which is also close to reset time (2AM my time), Iā€™m still sceptical, maybe they got it done around the time of reset like the other reports and didnā€™t realise. We had one person yesterday claiming they were on their 10th alt, and thought reset happened an hour earlier than it did.

Who knows thatā€™s what we are trying to figure out, maybe the queue offered a box within that first minute, yet the server didnā€™t recognise it as a reset yet. Maybe you forgot to run it yesterday before reset (Iā€™ve done that before), point is these ā€˜confirmedā€™ mounts are happening either with the 5 multibox trick, or very suspiciously close to reset time.

We have not yet had an occurrence happen where someone was farming alts on the same Bnet hours away from reset and got the broom.

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Yeah, same.

I didnā€™t say that it had bad information, but you stepping into the thread and being all like ā€œI got a mount on my first run both days so the system is working fineā€ isnā€™t helpful, you just got super lucky.

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Either way I ran it on 2 toons and 2nd toon AFTER main toon and according to blizzards post the broom should NOT of dropped from box on 2nd toon but it didā€¦my guess is it can still DROP but is lower chance and or blizzards maintnance yesterday broke it lol which would NOT surprise me

This is because you were logged in as reset happened and did not relog, as of TWW certain dailies do not reset for a character that is logged in (rares/certain daily trackers). If you run an addon like ATT you can configure it to track the quest resets.

But it means that the system is working as intended.

1 mount on first run day one then another mount from the first run on day 2.

What youā€™re talking about must be an unintended bug (if true) and shouldnā€™t be counted on at all for the mount.

Just farm the rocket on alts if you want it but if you want the sweeper only, itā€™s one and done each day.