The X-45 Heartbreaker chance to drop

False info

I got Broom today on 2nd toon after running MAIN toon


Gawd dammit. I was looking forward to being lazy and just running one character.


I got broom on 2nd toon of the day after running Main toon, so something is off or broken


this is still incredibly asinine


Don’t worry, chances are so low you aren’t really missing much by skipping alts. I fully believe that 0.07% chance on Wowhead to be correct for the rocket. WH data is completely botched for the broom since it’s counting the past 15 years of boxes that never contained it, will take a long time to figure out where that really sits.

We still have no idea what the “increased chance” is for the first of the day, but even if it’s bumping the drop to 1% that’s still huge. And a lot more folks are getting them after last year’s change.

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People may be lying or they are mistaken and ran before reset then after and didn’t notice.

Or it could all be wrong. We will never know unless it happen to us lol


Scroll up. Wario just said he the broom on his second alt of the day.

So happy. Thanks!

I ran Wario as soon as reset happen His items where Tokens and Helm peace
Switched to Grimore Alt toon Ran it Got Tokens and broom

Even got a screen shot of grimore looting it

Also if you look at other posts i was telling people mount only drops from first kill of the day but then for giggles I ran today on a alt just to see and yes it did infact drop
I wouldnt lie and say it dropped on a alt if it really didnt i wouldnt want people to waste there time.

Renewed Proto-Drake: Love Armor

It’s legacy or new drop?


Great clarification thankyou!
Would be great to get some clarification on how the manuscript ( Renewed Proto-Drake: Love Armor) drop rate works too pls

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So in other words they made it even harder to get as before you used to be able to grind it out using your alts.


wow account wide or battle net wide

According to Wowhead and it’s comments

Added in patch: 10.2.5 “Seeds of Renewal”

Do the subsequent attempts each day (2, 3, 4 and onward, etc) increase the odds of getting an X-45 heartbreaker in any way? Or is it just a standard daily bonus to the first attempt and the first attempt alone that never changes??

I thought I had heard something somewhere along the line of the secondary attempts increasing your overall odds, but I imagine I could be misremembering something else. Just seeking clarity.

I have like 30+ characters over level 70 (many thanks to Pandaria Remix, lol) and I’d love to not feel guilty for not running them all every day to increase my odds. (Most days I make it to about 4 and lose my energy to go on, lol)

I don’t think players enjoy this instance and grind, since even Chimes reward dev mentioned the frustating of the process, players using wrong spec, dying

But I’m glad we’ve a response :smile:


Was it second toon using the multibox trick? Or was it second queue? And was it close to daily reset?

We’ve had a few, myself included, use the multibox trick and get it on our second to fifth toon in the same queue, and had a few who got it on their 84th alt of the day, but obtained it right around reset time.

So far no one has confirmed running one queue now and coming back later for a second queue in the same daily reset to get it.

ran first toon got helm logged off got on 2nd toon ran again got broom ran First toon right at right set instant Que got helm left group switched toons Qued instand que again both toons where tank toons

So what time did this happen? Was it before or after reset time that you ran each toon or was it just randomly like 20 minutes ago this happened?

Why on earth would you not apply this same mechanic to the love rocket? :cry: