The WrA Video Game Thread

That would get me to buy it, yeah.

episodic release for a game which was announced like 5 years ago :nauseated_face:

Does it really make a difference? It’s like a house is on fire, and someone is throwing lit matches into it.

You’re not helping, but you can’t really make it worse anyway.

I thought 8 was a lot more fun and engaging than 7

Though as far as JRPGs go Chrono Cross will always be my favorite if only because its completely bonkers and it doesnt even care

(Also nothing will ever beat that opening theme.)

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…how, exactly?

Chrono Cross was the first jrpg I think I was ever introduced to at the ripe age of like… Ten?

I never hear anyone refer to it like, ever.

I loved and still love that game.

I can always appreciate a game that fully embraces its own insanity. Plus with the insane amount of characters it certainly had replay value

I never finished it, one day I might go for a full run. I definitely recall it being wild, even as a tiny lad. A year or two back I gave it another attempt and one of the only memories I have of that was some new character I had apparently never found as a kid.


It probably shaped a lot of my later affinity for the absurdity of anime genres.

I remember trying to get the true ending with that game. Oh boy was that last fight nonsense to get that ending.

His voice acting and his general character has always been pretty stereotypical. In 1997 it was one thing, but having him retain some of those stereotypical traits nowadays isn’t gonna fly as far.

I have a love and a hate relationship with Chrono cross.

Is Barret different this time? I didn’t watch the thing yet.

I know in the original it was… very cringey. Which is a mild way to say “super racially insensitive”. Did they not change that?

As of right now it doesn’t seem like it. Things might change since these are just trailers, but…

The physical run of the switch version of Dragon’s dogma was scarce i had to order it online after checking two walmarts , a best buy , and two gamestops

Maybe one day we’ll get a Dragon’s Dogma sequel but I have so many doubts.

Hyrule Legends Definitive Edition has arrived

Thank you GameFly


Racial sensitivity is not one of Japan’s best exports.

I was kinda hoping Barret would be a little less Ghetto Hero, but if Dyne and the other Coal Miners speak the same while still retaining their appearance, it could be interesting.

Japan’s general response to racial sensitivity is “If you keep crying we won’t send the game west so quit being loud.”

It’s both infuriating and refreshing at times.

I don’t think you can blame the Japanese, because Barret’s stereotypical way of speaking was added in by an American localizer.

Refreshing racism??

Yeah, the Japanese characterization is much more… well, non-stereotypical. The localizer for the English release is the one who made him a caricature.