The WrA Video Game Thread

The best part is bioware released a rebuttal

Trying to claim everyone still loves working there and that the article is a big meanie trying to tear them down

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Yeah, BioWare going “uwu positivity only pwease” in response to Schreier reporting on the stress they heaped on their employees so they could design + ship a crappy product no one asked for is… :grimacing:

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So reporting on the truth behind game development and how chaotic and painful it can be… equals bringing people down.

Bioware, are you run by 9 year olds?

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They’re ran by EA so…pretty close.

I read this today! It was incredibly insightful and explained a lot. I’m not surprised BioWare is responding the way they are. That seems to be the next step studios are taking. People are starting to pay more attention to how devs are treated (thank Christ) and now the studios are trying SUPER hard to assure everyone, sometimes angrily and aggressively, that “working here is a dream come true, and all of our employees love their jobs. Don’t talk to them though, we own them, and you have no right to approach them.”

The AAA industry is sadly full of cowards, liars, and greedy fat cats.

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Bioware is not the bioware of yore.

It is the twisted festering mockery of something once great.

Yeah the rebuttal smacks of ANet/Riot’s from early this year after people started shouting from the rooftops “hey working here is super toxic and the dudes in charge are all kinds of awful.” Hopefully with the colossal failure of Anthem and ME:A back to back like this on top of this report, people won’t forget as quickly.

I can freely admit I was a doe-eyed hopeful for Anthem. I tried to defend it at first, figuring at worst it would end up like Destiny and see a revival after some tweaks and patches. It did not. Every patch made things worse, and I’m glad I didn’t pay full price for this nonsense.

Now, if someone out there can deliver me a 3rd person, mech-focused ARPG/looter-shooter, I will be forever grateful.

Mists of Crusader Kingsdaria

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Holy piss Aurum vale was dredged up from my worst nightmares who then proceeded to procreate with each other and make a horrible demon baby that exists only to make me suffer

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aurum vale is widely considered the worst thing ever in FFXIV

YoshiP admitted in an interview that the dev team was still feeling out higher-level dungeons and probably overdid it in Aurum. It’s why there’s no other dungeon quite like it.

Doing it as a scholar leveling (FIVE TIMES I GOT IT FIVE TIMES TODAY) Has tested the limits of my very soul.

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Wow. I can’t believe it…

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how much longer until the steam launcher is an epic store exclusive

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gamers: capitalism is the only way forward! competition breeds success!
Gearbox: we are making Borderlands 3 an Epic store exclusive.
gamers: what the heck Epic is just using their money to attract devs!!

excuse you but I am firmly in favor of nationalizing bethesda softworks to force them to release TES6 faster

Competition* breeds success.

Massively undercutting the competitor and then holding games hostage for several months so people -have- to use an underdeveloped service isn’t competition. It would be if they, y’know… tried, to put some effort into making it worth-while for the consumer. Maybe show us some of that discount too - have specific epic-store games be discounted more than what steam offers so people have an incentive to want to use it.

Also, make the launcher not trash somewhere along the way so it at least matches your competitor.



Epic Games Store is literally bribing devs/publishers to put games in their store instead of LITERALLY anywhere else

EGS is a shoddy excuse for a competition to ANY game store currently, up until last month they had NO SEARCH FUNCTION, and there is STILL no shopping cart.

no one is defending Steam, but what EGS is doing is not good business practices at all, especially since they L I T E R A L L Y sell your data to China

Does Steam suck??? 100%

Does EGS suck??? 120%

again, I do agree that EGS’ policy of having a much smaller cut of the money on games sold on their store is an excellent idea compared to Steam’s demand for 30%, but what they do is basically forcing people onto their platform to play games they like instead of giving people actual reasons to prefer EGS over Steam