The WrA Video Game Thread

Even Remasters arent necessarily easy to make.

Look at Final Fantasy 8, they didnt have the original code so the game had to be built from the ground up.

Thats not easy, saying any game development is easy shows a real lack of understanding about the developmentof games.

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God, I remember the whole saga of what a tragedy it was with the story behind some of those gorgeous CG backgrounds they used for scenery, how they weren’t properly preserved from the original development and couldn’t be upscaled into HD for the longest time. As much as I wish it would be getting the full FF7 treatment, it’s honestly a miracle what they managed to pull off.


Notice how I mentioned the RE Engine they used to develop RE7. It’s pretty easy to see since they have that they can easily develop everything else for these Resident Evil remakes. Obviously these are “new” games, but with this engine in effect I bet they could give us RE1, RE0, and RECV in no time. If they keep repeating this, it’ll fall off like the original series did. Here’s hoping they move on to RE8 after this remake, and then maybe hit us with CV or 0 though I highly doubt that’ll happen. However, we do live in a day where an obscure PS1 strategy game only 20 people know (my favorite game) is getting a 2020 sequel, so who knows?

Do I really need to go into detail about the soundtrack? It wasn’t there. RE2 on PS1 has many memorable tracks, RE2 remake gives us a taste of something potentially awesome and just drops it completely (save room.) You can say this adds more with the setting they were going with, and that’s cool, but it’s just a downer considering RE’s music played into certain areas so well.

Uhm, sure, I guess about her outfit. There’s going to be about 6-10 other outfits added, and I’m sure at least one will anger the typical crowd. You know, the whiny babies on the other side of that argument. :slight_smile:

Regarding what I meant about advancing things, Resident Evil Remake gave us Lisa Trevor, her background, etc. It really helped shape how awful Umbrella was and what they were willing to do. Things that actually continued with the series in follow-up games. I don’t see RE2 remake adding anything that will remain relevant that was already there. Good use of the Kendo cutscene though, that was the high point of the RE2 Remake imo.

Either way, the Resident Evil 2 Remake was fine. I’m glad a lot of people enjoyed it. It was good. For a Resident Evil 4 style Resident Evil.

In other words an assumption.

Unless you’ve got facts to support how easy developing either the RE2 or RE3 remake is all you’ve got are assumptions.

“I don’t like the soundtrack” is not the same as “There is no soundtrack”

Okay. Just seems kinda…I dunno, familiar that another RE is being pumped out in around a year and it looks almost the same as the last.

Fair about the soundtrack. I guess it’s hard to like the soundtrack when it never plays.

I’d say the Silent Hill HD remaster was even worse. The studio developing it was given code for Silent Hill 2 and 3…but it wasn’t the FINAL code. Konami somehow had just lost the final codings for both games. Team Silent was long since dead and dispersed.

It’s one thing having to rebuild a game from scratch that while good isn’t considered an absolute masterpiece, it’s another thing all together to have to pump out of a product involving two beloved and iconic entries into the horror genre and they’re inferior, early test builds.

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Do we know whether or not the RE3 remake was being developed alongside RE2?

Do we know RE3 will be mechanically identical to RE2?

I have no issue with wishing they’d focus on RE8, its an opinion and one I completely understand. I take issue with jumping to the conclusion that they are being lazy because they arent developing the game you want them to.

I would much rather have this RE3 remake than a proper sequel. Beyond the first hour or so, I absolutely hated 7’s gameplay and I’m terrified that they’ll stick with it going forward.

also Ethan and Mia were so awful that I genuinely don’t trust them to make new characters

I assume “hated 7’s gameplay” just means “I hate first person”, because RE7 is literally an original style RE in first person. That’s the only change. Everything else is back to RE basics. RE2 uses the exact same gameplay, except in third-person. I used to really be against first person games and preferred third person, then I realized how nice my TV and graphics are now and like the first person approach. Also makes it a little more scary.

…I can take a serious guess and assume yes, yes it will be. There will be some changes here and there, but for the most part these games will play the exact same. 7, RE2R, RE3R again use the exact same engine. Resident Evil 3’s only big change from Resident Evil 2 was adding a dodge move and gun powder.

So more assumptions. Which, again, are not evidence that these games are somehow easy to churn out.

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the real question is why do they never remaster the games that I, personally, am nostalgic for??


I’m still holding out for Mischief Makers HD.

At this point, I’m coming to the conclusion that I’m going to need to use the Skyrim Creation Kit to get my Modern Day version of Arcanum.


where’s my skies of arcadia reboot I’m sure there must be like at least a dozen other people out there who were really into that game

juspion do you really like arcanum that much

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Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I would love for an Arcanum remake like that!!

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Yes. Not just the perspective, but how it affects the gameplay, because you move around like such a sluggish brick and the shooting felt so bland. Compared to RE2, where having the camera pulled back allows you to see the weight of your character’s animations to make it feel like you aren’t just some disembodied shakycam, it’s no contest as far as I’m concerned.

if only they knew how much I would be willing to pay for a modern update of the first Mercenaries…

Am too!

here’s some letters.

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Someone give me a remake of Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. Im willing to pay any other persons eternal soul for it.

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