This is probably the one thing that’d convince me to dive into all that.
But I’ve just spent an inordinate amount of time fiddling with a Bethesda game so my brain is temporarily fried when it comes to modding.
This is probably the one thing that’d convince me to dive into all that.
But I’ve just spent an inordinate amount of time fiddling with a Bethesda game so my brain is temporarily fried when it comes to modding.
Modding is honestly extremely easy in 14 once you learn one single thing basically takes care of most of it.
I mean… it looks like you’ve already laid out every conceivable reason why you don’t like the game.
I said this in the old thread and I’ll say it here: it’s okay to not like a game and to choose not to play it if it’s making you unhappy.
Also not to be pert but this absolutely did happen in WoW all the time, too. FFXIV’s community has no unique claim to this pattern of behavior–especially if, as others have pointed out, it’s a lot of the same people having switched over.
One thing that FFXIV does that doesn’t get enough praise, imho, is how they’ve managed dungeon design post-ARR. Everything is a (beautifully detailed) hallway with exactly 3 bosses and a generally equivalent amount of trash pulls.
As much as I love WoW’s more freeform(-ish) dungeons, FFXIV’s “hallway” layout means every dungeon will take more or less the same amount of time and that you don’t have to worry about someone getting pissed at you for not knowing every skip (even when said “skips” just end up making things take longer) because there are no skips. You’re here to run a dungeon! So run the dang dungeon.
It’s really nice, honestly.
I do appreciate that some of the modern dungeons are better at not feeling like a straight corridor than others. It’s one of the big things that makes Swallows’ Compass feel so good imo
Also I wouldn’t mind more freeform dungeons in EW but something more akin to CLL and Arsenal than going back to the few 1.0 dungeons they kept as is in 2.0, which are usually miserable experiences
people be out here hating hallways, not me, I like when I know exactly where I’m going and exactly how much more I have to put up with
I remember OG Wailing Caverns, I remember OG Sunken Temple and Stratholme and the Blackrock Spires
Never again
The idea of trying to skip stuff in FF14 is so incredibly funny to me.
Not because it’s impossible, which it is, but because every single person I know who’s running a dungeon for the first time is too busy staring at the world building going on around you to even remotely think about skipping.
Too busy being slack jawed and enjoying when the sprouts are slack jawed.
I’m only level 26 and have experienced the first 3 dungeons so far. Despite being pretty linear, I like that there are rooms that you can go in for some additional treasure. I don’t know if that’s common later on, though. That’s the only “skipping” I’ve seen available.
I was about to pop in and say something along the lines of…
“I actually liked some of OG WoW’s more sprawling dungeons, but there’s no way I’d run them with WoW’s modern crowd.”
…and then I stopped to actually think about it for a second and, actually, I am in fact totally fine with never running OG Wailing Caverns or Blackrock Spire ever again!
I am totally, 100% content with beautiful hallways.
So far as my brain recalls, largely not. It sucks, in fairness, to be stuck on an otherwise very direct and linear path. To some, at least.
I dunno, still look great to me, and I know ain’t nobody these days out here looking to put in any more than the bare minimum to get their tomestones and out.
If I get something like Qarn or Haukke NM with a full sprout party I’ll sometimes even throw in the siderooms nobody ever does for the full clear achiev, tbh.
But yeah, I think the last time I saw people thinking you could unironically skip things in recent dungeons was drama over the big trash arena in the first ShB dungeon
Most dungeons until 50 tend to be recycled from 1.0 and so have varying degrees of side elements (to get the map achiev you actually need to do them too in a lot of cases). IIRC the first dungeons that were totally, 100% new are fairly obvious and tend to be in the 2.x patches
OG Deadmines is one of WoW’s best dungeons ever in my opinion. And it’s also pretty much a hallway.
Yeah didn’t Blizzard surgically remove a huge chunk of WC and cut BRS into separate queues because modern players didn’t want to run the damned things as they used to be
Isn’t split BRD basically the full instance for each wing though, I swear it felt like it the last time I had a group get lost in there because a wrong turn was taken
Other things about the design that don’t suck; Getting a teleport into the boss arena any time something gets pulled but you, for whatever reason, were not in the arena for.
Yeah it’s still all accessible at once, it’s just in theory you get dropped into different sections depending on what you queued for
Actually less than flexible dungeons, I hope at least one dungeon in EW has the same design as the couple 80s where the pre-final-boss corridor is obviously not intended to be a wall to wall pull but if you go wild it’s one of the most fun places to do it.
TBH nothing tilts me further than someone pulling a boss when someone else is watching a cutscene.
Immediately removes any chance of getting a com from me.
If I’m healing and someone is obviously in a story cutscene I just sit, smile and wave at early pullers. Truly the best role to get passive aggressive about it.