Sakaguchi blitzed through the entire MSQ and apparently loved it so much, he might delay retirement a bit to work on something for YoshiP.

You love to see it.


For those who don’t know. He was the creator of the Final fantasy games. He beat the msq in a little over a month. That him working on stuff. He commented on playing in between meetings.
He praise the art and sound and story to a high degree. He also loved the call backs to stuff he did in the older games. (I can’t speak for them but i bet the ff14 devs are happy to be parse by Mr FF himself.)


I see, thanks! Did they mention any other raid series that I’ll need to be familiar with to understand Endwalker?

Not that I’m aware of but I’d suggest doing them all because they are all fairly nice!

Adding onto the above; most of the endgame content has otherwise been willfully sidelined in terms of the main plot. Threads and characters make some forward appearances, but as of thus far none have technically been “necessary” to understand the thrust of the MSQ.

That said, it was mentioned at one point that basically any and every big content piece (offhand I know the Omega series was mentioned directly, as well as the Binding Coils) would be worth clearing out pre Endwalker for maximum payoff, or similar paraphrasing.

Spoilers ARR /Heavensward if only in the vaguest senseThe Binding Coils are the only time you see Alisae between ARR and Heavensward, for example.

This is all just for me to say, don’t feel obligated, as they’ve done a pretty solid job at least thus far keeping things relevant without forcing them to be “required reading” (Crystal Tower nonwithstanding, particularly since they only just a while back made the Crystal Tower mandatory at all which, spoiler free, while pretty relevant to it’s plot points, absolutely were not required to understand or appreciate the plot. But it helps!)

But jump into anything and everything you can! Most of it is pretty good on it’s own legs.


Yeah, they explicitly made raids kind of separate from MSQ after Coils locked some pretty important story stuff behind what was Savage Tier fights before Savage really existed. Original Coils was hard and they decided to make the raid stories separate from the MSQ for the most part after that.

That said, most are worth doing and have good stories on their own. The fights are really fun for the most part, too.

That said, you can skip most of the Ivalice Alliance Raid story unless you just really like Tactics/XII. Like, reallllly like them.

Matsuno knows what he likes, and it’s lots of words.


Thanks for the advice, both of you!!

I figured I needed to do the Ivalice story because it involves a big acting troupe group of Garlean defectors that might have stuff to say before we kick Garlemald’s door in?

Also its needed to unlock the Bozja storyline which probably also has a lot of Garlean lore.

I guess I can always go back and do them after Endwalker though, see how well it all foreshadowed stuff?

The Ivalice raids don’t have much Garlean lore, though Bozja does to a point. The big thing with the Ivalice raids is that it introduces Dalmasca and includes quite a bit of lore from that. We still don’t know too much about the area, but it does give a nice introduction.

That said a lot of it is lore that was basically copy-pasted straight from XII and Tactics, so if you’ve played those, you’ve pretty much got a 1:1 idea of what’s going on there on who everyone is. It is… not subtle.


I would really love to return to Ivalice in an expansion setting lol

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I just have to say I love the amaro. I was already pretty keen on trying every job but now I have to get them all to 80.


I literally had not a single bit of will to even try to level all classes. Then that dumb camel bird came along, now I have to eventually.

this is literally the first time I’ve heard anyone say they didn’t like Shadowbringers lol

I heard it before… I think early ShB is bad. The light and music gets annoying fast. Gets much better but…It a small drag. As well, Amh Araeng I think worst zone and story and music. It didn’t help I think Alisaie the worst.
She above Lyse but just.

you have committed multiple counts of wrongthink, please report to Cabal Headquarters for your council-mandated pineapple pizza


apparently i ran in to the mad because smol dude during a baldesion arsenal run yesterday and they’re fully decked out in elemental bonus gear too
didn’t realize they were on crystal
i found this out the fun way when they spoke on comms for a sec and i was like “dude has a voice like an action movie trailer”

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Endwalker delayed by 2 weeks to Dec 7 (Early Access Dec 3), according to Naoki Yoshida. -From the live letter

when i saw that video of Yoshi P just nonstop bowing for 30 odd minutes I just wanted to get him and his crew a nice beer and a nice mellow night out some where decent but quiet. Im sort of reminded by the Shadowlands ‘we’re going to delay 2 weeks or so’ and now this and only think to myself… ‘something tells me i’m going to get more out of ff14 delaying for alittle while than anyone who’s tried out SL or any expansion for a good long while.’ petty I know.

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Delaying Endwalker for 2 weeks :x:
Extending irregular tomestones and coffee biscuits by 2 weeks :white_check_mark:


I keep hearing this talk about coffee biscuits and I’m confused: how are folks making so much gil just from making biscuits? Was baking the true endgame all along?

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There is a multi-turn in levequest at lvl 80 for coffee biscuits. By turning in high quality cookies you double the gil rewarded, and the leve itself allows you to turn in three separate times per individual levequest, basically tripling the reward value of the single quest cost. Long short; each leve is worth approximately 15k gil or so for each 3 crafts of HQ biscuits, something that even forever ago was easily processed with a one button macro (to my understanding).

So every two weeks at 99 leves, if you take the time to dump cookies, you can make an easy few million gil, just from coffee biscuits alone. It’s not the most efficient way to make gil, but it’s by far one of the easiest side things you can slap out with an hour or two of effort every week or so.