sometimes you make the cookies and then sometimes you don’t wanna go through the trouble of actually turning in the cookies so you just offload your stash to someone at the crystarium leve counter for a discount
hello I’ve had the Endwalker launch trailer and various reactions on repeat for like three days
That is all
please help I’ve been stuck in the Praetorium for a week now
Gaius just keeps talking
Welcome to the club.
I want that ost.
superior expansion
“Welcome to the Hour-Long GLIB show! Staring Gauis Van Belsar! Featuring Nero! The GLIB show is sponsored by Garlond Ironworks, Freedom through technology!”
Very excited for tomorrow’s Liberation Festival!!
Several FCs have reached the climax of roleplay storylines involving fighting to liberate the nations colonized by the Garlean Empire, and they banded together to host this huge festival to celebrate!
There’s gonna be performances, tournaments, and even a chocobo race through the entire zone of Western Thanalan!
And also the kind of boring stuff I like with the “Reformation Conference” involving lots of speeches and discussion between people from all of the newly freed nations like Bozja, Dalmasca, Doma, etc.!
Here’s a cute little pamphlet:
in lieu of things to do before endwalker i have:
completed a zodiac and an anima and a eurekan relic (to physeos)
completed a second eurekan relic
finished the baldesion arsenal 8 times
finished up my ARR sightseeing log 1-80
coordinated a dozen glamour sets
got 2 of the 6 big fish required for Feast of Famine
finished up all the skybuilders’ tools
finally bothered to finish up BLU 70
in addition to the stuff i’ve already done but never bothered
things left incomplete:
feast of famine
PotD 100 for story
a single match of The Feast
probably entering into a triple triad open tournament
weird to say it but i think i’ve almost entirely exhausted the game’s casual content
i haven’t played this that much recently but im still deeply excited for endwalker
releasing content regularly, who does that, right?
welp that’s done
Wait, so… neither of the moons was a regular moon?
Dalamud was a space station built to contain a world-endingly powerful dragon, and the other is… whatever we’re going to find out it is in Endwalker?
Are we going to destroy this moon, leaving the nighttime in perpetual darkness?
Well, Dalamud was an artificial moon created by the Allagans, that is true.
Its been implied or perhaps even outright stated that Zodiark was imprisoned in the other moon. I’m not sure we’ll destroy it outright, but I’m not going to put anything out of the realm of possibility. Seems more likely to me that the Moon will be one of the zones for Endwalker, with the final dungeon/trial being against Zodiark. That’s my speculation.
the final days were upon us.
the fabric of the realms had begun to fray,
their servers rent with load and bear
The Final Sky
I finished 5.0 the other day.
Remember us. Remember that we once lived.
Love the feeling of having everything I wanted to get done and more checked off before the expansion.
You know I went all day without feeling sad and then I saw this post.