this is my first time doing Eden’s Promise: Umbra
i sure died a lot to the very quick telegraphs, huh
this is my first time doing Eden’s Promise: Umbra
i sure died a lot to the very quick telegraphs, huh
It’s even worse in Savage.
I don’t know a single person who likes E9S.
the funny dissidia darkness lady didn’t want me on her platform a lot
or breathing
I have to say that needing to wait around for a server to become available for char creation is annoying. I just want to play with some of my mates from the UO/EQ days.
high fives the other gnome with a giant weapon that takes up half the portrait
I thought it was hilarious that it does that, tbh. And I finally just got to make my character. Yay!
I wouldn’t say I love it but it still has more generous healing checks than Emerald EX
I’ve been leveling alt jobs. Like, a lot, to the point I still haven’t finished Eden, or the last couple legs of the NieR raid, or the additions to the MSQ that dropped with the newest patch. Should do that at some point… Oh, and Bozja, I guess, but that marks the first content I’ve run into in FFXIV that I just straight up Do Not Like. It’s weird, I’m the lone oddball who’s always enjoyed WoW’s end-of-expac Daily Isles, but the same thing in FFXIV arguably executed better makes me bounce off when everything else about FFXIV is a lot more fun than anything in WoW to me.
Also I never have found an FC, or gotten into the RP scene. It feels oddly difficult to break in.
To give some context about that: two sentences can work sometimes, and god is my witness when I say that I don’t like the kind of RP that involves six paragraphs and indecent acts with a Thesaurus just to take a sip of wine!
In this case, however, it really just was people writing exceptionally slowly for about forty-five minutes each, answering complicated questions with a few words. You know, that type of scenario in IRL when you know you’re leading a conversation, you’re trying to find an interesting topic, and the person on the other end is speaking in broken sentences because they are on their phone.
I don’t mind people being a bit slow. I’m not a native speaker myself, so I know the struggle of learning and using another language. So when people tell me they need the occasional translator or type a bit slower, that’s fine! However, it’s fairly frustrating when you have two or three hours to RP, go to an RP event, and the event really isn’t moving along due to one person constantly being distracted by doing other things (e.g. reading on their second monitor).
I missed Eureka on release but I’ve put in hours in post, with what experience I have in there and in Bozja thus far, I’d argue the content is absolutely not done well let alone better than say the Timeless Isle.
But that’s just like, my opinion, man.
I think Bozja’s… alright, but it’s no Timeless Isle, for sure. Blizzard definitely does that sort of content better.
Or, rather, Blizzard did, once upon a time. I’m not really a fan, but I’ll take Bozja over Nazjatar or (ugh) the Maw.
I sort of agree with is. I think some job can have more for those people who want more but if every job or class is like that then it just pain. I don’t know how people play on kd/m in ff14. However some job were made for the controller like Dancer or even Machinist. But Summoner or even Dragoon… ee my carpal tunnel.
I’ve only been to one rp event in ff14. There a Christmas event and it amazing. I didn’t know about it but found it on that day of the event by walk around Limsa. I waited in line for about 2hours for minion but just being part of that and talking to people in line (those who weren’t memeing) was great. The was no trolls fro what I saw. There was even a few bands playing along the line route. But past that I haven’t rp in ff14.
For those talking about raiding. I haven’t really touch that. A bit scared to but I was to when I did WoW raiding.
I do have nostalgia for the Timeless Isle and Quel’danas. Definitely not Nazjatar, though. Or that stupid jousting tournament thing in Icecrown. Why did they do that? I’m getting irritated just remembering that they did it.
Bozja isn’t really meant to compete with stuff like Timeless Isle or whatever. Rather, those zones were made for a fairly hardcore JP audience that wanted an MMO experience reminiscent of FFXI. I’m honestly surprised at how much more casual Zadnor is compared to how Eureka 1.0 was.
It’s very different than WoW, for sure. I actually love FFXIV Savages but don’t really like the entire process of doing Party Finders all the time. It’s basically “Hey, memorize a bunch of stuff.” Like, that’s it. It’s definitely difficult at times, but there’s a very clear sense of progression and personal responsibility since everything comes down to rote memorization of boss mechanics. They are the same every single time with the only differences sometimes being what order things might be cast in or who they are cast on. It’s very satisfying to finally nail down that one move order that’s been giving you problems for the past few hours, and once you have it down, you’ll generally always have it down because you memorized it.
bozja (and eureka if i ever get around to it) satiate that itch that i’ve missed upon playing ffxiv that i can get everywhere in wow which i can narrow down to “pure, unfiltered, shenanigans” because where else in the game can you pull some rextroy-tier shenanigans and turn what’s supposed to be a 9-minute solo encounter with a boss from hell into a 1-minute slapfight
Bozja Pros: I can mount in Bozja
Bozja Cons: Bozja
The Maw Pros:
The Maw Cons: I can’t mount in the Maw.
Pardon the double post or whatever but:
In WoW: “WHO’S THE CROW??!?!”
In FFXIV: I desire to know Kwehstrel D’chocobo and befriend them. Had a tired day and saw them zoom by. Immediate smile on my face.
ff14 healers are really weird about Rescue in comparison to priests here with Life Grip
like thanks i’m but a wee monk and i squeaked into a safe spot, i didn’t need you to pull me THROUGH a detonating mechanic just because it was on the opposite side of the boss arena from you - i was in a safe spot and now i have a vulnerability stack look what you’ve done
Listen your choices are earnest but accidental Rescues into pain, or the entirely conscious decision to murder a dps in cold blood.
I don’t make the rules.
i’d fight more on “conscious decision to murder a DPS” but i don’t have to worry about rebuilding 4 stacks of Greased Lightning anymore