Refsheet is fine too. For those of us criminals who use XIV Launcher, there’s a plugin that lets us see peoples rp profiles (carrd + refsheet only) when we inspect players without having to follow any external links. It can do some funny things with formatting but it’s manageable with just a bit of extra scrolling down.

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What level do I have to be to get gay married oh no is this the thing that finally makes me start heading to the level cap???

When I still played on Crystal, I debated a carrd, but I realized how unnecessary it is. Sometimes, just having a name and a tiny little line of info in your player search is all you need.

Had zero issues doing RP at events.

Now that I am on Aether, I actually might consider one more since there is less of a community so it’d be nice to just have something more accessible for those who do RP.

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Look up Ceremony of Eternal Bonding!

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Getting back into it. Came back for 5.5 but decide boost Mch and level that before continue on. Am a Dancer main.

Beside the button overload jobs, which is one of the main things I hate about FF14, I overall like the game. The story and world, plus the devs see to have fun when they talk to the community.

If they ever go through the way they design things, I feel like some jobs (mostly some of the tanks) could use a bit of merging skills, but some jobs could use more buttons. I feel like 32 buttons with role skills and LB should be the platonic ideal just for the sake of filling two controller bars.

Mrgl… I want to role play a character from Thavnair but I’m having trouble finding ingame lore sources about the place.

I just really like that the fantasy cultures based on the Arabic world, India and other nonwhite cultures are so well researched and get to be represented by human POC instead of monsters, talking animals, or caricatures.

(As you can see from the character I’m posting on I still tried to make it work with the trolls but still, it wasnt ideal)

Word. One of my biggest peeves about the combat in this game is there sheer amount of redundant button bloat.

That’s compilation of all the Thavnair lore at present. There will be more coming out with Endwalker though since it’s going to be an accessible place.


From my last post. It continues. Still leveling my Mch but having fun with FC/guild in between. I forgot had pretty the world is. I was able get a wolf mount that I been secretly wanted for a while now so happy on that.
I have my dislikes of FF14 but same with WoW but I still play both. Both have pros and cons (some more then others) but I still enjoy them.

I hear (I think I heard at fanfest) that they are looking at fixing some of that button bloat in Endwalker. Lets hope they do that. On top of balancing Reaper and Sage
Summoner has one of the longer-est and hardest rotation in the game, though to be fair they do big damage if pulled off right. Many who play it in my fc don’t mind how hard it is but the length.

They will probably have combo abilities auto-change like RDM and DNC do for some jobs. They’ve definitely addressed it and are generally good at removing redundant stuff (RIP Protect). They have to keep things limited anyway due to controller support, so it’ll be interesting to see how it all changes.

That said, don’t change RDM. My poor muscle memory is practically automated at this point.

The one thing I want with mages in general is to see some of the pvp role actions for both healer and dps to come back to the pve roster. I know it was useless in 99% of scenarios but I miss RDM having some token cc spell.

Also protect being gone is funny because lost protect and lost reflect haven’t left my Bozja bar since my second run of castrum. I’m hoping lost actions might actually give them design pointers in terms of what the playerbase might think would be cool to bring back.

I still have alot of fun in XIV, but I would have more fun if I didn’t need a third arm to successfully execute my rotation. Also I prefer priority cool downs like WoW to static rotation. Fewer meaningful abilities appeal more than a hundred random abilities I press once a subscription.


It’s funny, but I actually kind of like the amount of buttons some classes have. I definitely feel like tanks could use some pruning, but otherwise I feel fine with the amount.

This might just be because I am actually not that big of a fan with how much they pruned WoW’s bars, but I don’t mind just “having a button for this occasion” with classes feeling like they use most of them.

I can see both sides tbh. On one hand I believe overpruning is an issue. On the other hand, I can kind of see where someone is coming from saying three or four full action bars might be a tad overdone.

But I need to praise the FFXIV for something else: I would like to point out that I feel as if the RP etiquette is top notch. I’ve been at about a dozen events so far, and at none of them I had any issues being involved or feeling interested in what was going on. A lot of enjoyable conversations were had.

You think that goes without saying? Well, I’m roleplaying in SWTOR as well. Right now I am attending an underworld event where multiple people are seemingly busy across multiple screens and really just RP two-sentence answers every single time. You try to move the conversation along, but you get nothing in return.

Largely a tangent, but am I the only one who thinks that is just downright rude? When I RP, I RP. Sure, I’ll let some music run in the background, but it just feels foreign to me to sit there and not engage the person I am talking to.


final boss music of dalriada is a certified banger

I mean, it sort of depends on the context here. If the two sentences are relevant and quick to respond to your own, I prefer it. If it’s the RP equivalent of someone texting “k,” then yeah that’d be rude.

Personally, the biggest reason I don’t RP much is because people take forever to type up like two paragraphs of RP sometimes. If I’m waiting five minutes for a reply, then I’m gonna bounce pretty fast.

I have this issue quite a bit. I type really quick, sometimes too quick to be honest, hitting keys out of order and such. And when I’ve typed a paragraph of rp in mere moments and it takes a few minutes for the other person I start to wonder if they even saw it or are paying attention.

Some people post slow because they’re boomer typers, others type slow because they’re chronically distracted. I once RPed with someone that took 17 minutes to respond to a 2 paragraph emote and was halfway convinced they’d had a heart attack mid-RP. I straight up refuse to RP with mega slow posters now unless it’s on discord or another text-only platform like gdocs.

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So I started leveling ROG (right on the cusp of going NIN) on a second Hrothgar that’s generally a parallel for Gartok/Malakota, my long cherished orc rogue who is also my mage’s nephew.

It’s so fun. And it feels so good I wish I’d just leveled this from the start rather than black mage.