the thing that’s weird about movement abilities in ffxiv is that they all scootch along the ground at a very, very fast pace, as opposed to being a teleport or a jump even in the case of something like dragoon’s elusive leap

so no, you cannot shukuchi over the death field in e6 despite being able to target the other side of it

edit: i was thinking of e6 not e10, is there even a death field in e10


Tonight is the first Pride-themed night at Third Eye Sushi!

Check out the new specials you can order:

Something irl came up so I won’t personally be serving tonight but I’m sure its gonna be a lot of fun and I hope you’ll all come have some free drinks, food, and a good atmosphere to meet people! (And I’ll be serving for most of the other days we’re open this month!)

Check us out at Shirogane - Ward 23 Plot 43 starting at 10pm EST!


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found out the hard way. Or mis-judged the distance between how far I can move my mouse to meet the maximum distance to ‘blink’ out of a enemy tell and being an inch too far where it won’t activate since I was “too far away”

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So I’ve been quiet since the thread relocation and this new one. I had a long think on FFXIV and the fact I was really dreading the dungeoning aspects of the game…

I know. It’s a MMO. Social aspects and dungeons are to be expected. But combine that with my somewhat painful last experiences as a tank and my social anxiety flared into overdrive. I have enough of that being a professional cat herder for a living (read: Retail Management), I don’t need more of it in my downtime.

MMOs haven’t been a genre I’m really keen on for quite a while, so maybe I should just stop trying with them. I like playing with other people, but I like doing my own THING while playing with other people. Maybe I should just get into Twitch Streaming. :rofl:

Regardless, I just wanted to thank everyone who helped me feel my way through FFXIV. I don’t regret spending time with the game, but ultimately I don’t think playing it is for me.

yeah i get this feeling a lot, actually

if ffxiv didn’t have as nice of a community as it did, id probably stick to running with regular rpgs instead

mmos aren’t my favorite. play at your own pace, no worrying about other people, it’s an ideal.

The Rescue spell is an oxymoron.

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Oddly enough as I get older, RPGs in general aren’t what they once were for me, either. Took me nine bloody years to finally finish Skyrim’s main quest after constant fits and starts.

I’m more into strategy/survival “story generators” any more. Semi-Randomized games that have a progression to them but are also more “instant” in their gratification. Games like Total War, Rimworld, and Crusader Kings 2. (Stellaris used to be on that list, but I blacklisted that game after the Megacorp expansion was the second major restructuring of the core gameplay. Stop throwing the baby out with the bathwater!)

I live the paradox where dozens of healers have saved me in fresh content by yanking me out of death’s maw at the last possible moment

But when I heal it just ends up disrupting people who are confident enough to play around the fire :confused:

Edit; Honorable mention goes to all the people I have rescued who would then proceed to run right back in to die

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Psst… Vanndrel… if your subscription has not yet expired you should come to Pride Hour at Third Eye Sushi!

Leveling and the Main Story Quest are both boring and (for me) they are the least fun part of the game. Come emote that you’re eating rainbow sushi served to you by dragon girls while listening to music played live by someone roleplaying a catboy bard.

Strike up a conversation with folks at the bar, or just listen as they talk about their adventures!

Its quite valid that you’re quitting, but before you go forever, might as well experience this side of the game too, right?


I think I mostly use Rescue to pull people into the elevator during Prae


I’ve used Rescue to save people during Savage prog but thats usually niche since the near-deaths have been due to latency/lag.

So… I just found out that officially time post ARR’s launch exists in a “bubble” in that people are aware of it passing… and new stuff happens… but it still doesn’t actually advance as real world time goes on.

The Empire conquered Doma 25 years ago, the Calamity was still 5 years ago… Alphinaud is still a teenie weenie and Yiff’tola will always be 20 something…

It’s kinda like the Simpsons. Which is hella weird and hard to wrap my head around!

ARR all the way to SHB is only a few months. This was done so that people didn’t feel years behind on present events. Nevertheless, roleplayers regard time in one of two ways: they use realtime and release dates as markers (so heavensward was 6 years ago), or they go with the canon no time has passed. Most do #1 tbh.

a friend of mine teamed up with the other healer and both used rescue to save a disconnecting dancer in UCoB and managed to get them to resolve both twisters and hatch without dying


it is SHOCKING at how useful Rescue is for people with lagging/latency issues

if they’re in the process of disconnecting completely, it won’t work

however, I was able to tug our tank through E10S prog when they were having internet issues and it was quite funny how it saved us multiple times

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Ran my first Dalriada. Was a lot of fun. A bit easier than DR, I think, but pretty enjoyable. Think I’m gonna hold off on chain running it until I get to that step in my relic, though. About halfway through Zone 2, which seems like it’s gonna take the longest. Lots running Z3 and already done with Z1 so, welp.

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I did hit 60 on my DRK earlier today. So far I really enjoy the story quests and the playstyle. Got myself a nice preliminary glamour for cheap as well. Really digging the armour so far.

I also noticed that while I was leveling earlier, the TBC launch happened without me even realizing. Strange feeling, that one. The first expansion/Classic launch I wasn’t there on minute one and my entire reaction is “Huh…okay, back to Duty Finder.”


I am so incredibly excited to sit down and finish my two relics that I actually care about.

Once this school week passes I’ll have a lot more free time to just relax and play FF14. Very ready to lose myself this summer in Eorzea.

kinda wish they made the timeworn artifact stage a bit more, you know, convenient
because 15 DR runs is kind of


exceptionally funny design is needing 15 runs of DR for the augmented Law’s Order but literally half of that very same dungeon for the final step in the chain (along with other alternatives)