The "WoWFugees" has been spreading toxicity to other communties

Then you’re worse than him. Congrats!


Good take them. The people leaving the game are literally the lowest common denominator of quality players.
Get them out and bring back the old RPG style love and systems and stop catering to the people that left.

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I started watching Asmon earlier this year and continued for 3(ish) months until he stopped playing WoW. Something he said in a few of his transmog comps is most of his viewers don’t play and if they do play they’re not from the US.

So I’m not sure how many people he actually dragged to that game and my guess is not as many as you think.

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A fair take, but you were being a bit more hyperbolic with your original statement.

Also you’re being obtuse to pretend people don’t abuse such a mechanic. Whether or not that requires a GM… to each their own I guess.

As a single example, yes the anecdote seems ridiculous. Step back and see that their game actually will engage with players… and I see it as a bit more honorable.

Wouldn’t you like Blizzard to give half a shart about players again?

It used to be nice, actually.

I think the idea that there is “actual FF players” or not is just a no true scotsman argument.

Despite you playing FF and posting on the WoW forums, I highly doubt you wouldn’t consider yourself a FF player.

If you actually don’t, then I congratulate you on the logical consistency at least.

Congratulations. You’re a gatekeeper and you’re what makes communities more toxic than some dude who wants to try a new game.

If you believe that, then I consider you immature mentally.

There’s nothing wrong with that mind you.

My grandfather taught me to be kind to dumb animals.


This sentence makes zero sense. Where did I say it wasn’t being abused?

Also, how was it being “hyperbolic” to state what I was asking people?

Did you just get a dictionary app on your phone and you’re giving it a spin?

I am a FF player, and I can be especially vile.
But mostly towards towards who continueously spread their misguided and lacking sense of the game.

Calling someone dumb for disagreeing with you.

But at least you didn’t use any cuss words. Mission accomplished, we avoided toxicity!



Oh, I don’t, because I don’t regularly play the game. I don’t really like it. I’m trying to push through to the “fun” part but it’s just not panning out for me.

I’m defining “FF Community” as people that have >50% of their playtime on Final Fantasy for some arbitrary point of time, we can call it three months or whatever, it’s really irrelevant.

Most of the people saying “Whoamg WoW is dead, FF is the promised land” are WoW players that have only recently gone to check out FF and just want to whine about the game they actually ‘belong’ to.

Or we can reduce it to a logical fallacy. I’m not that invested.

It’s ok though, think whatever you want of me. When the day is done, I’m not going to be such a piece of crap that I break the rules to get rid of you because you hurt my feelings.


Lmao those guys are gonna be upset when they actually start playing New world and find out Amazon is a bigger money hungry company than Blizzard. :rofl:


Yea but The Bezos is the ultimate cash farmer so it should be a decent product.

Well they are not those communities problems, so there is at least one upside to all of this.

Giving feedback and reporting bugs?! HOW DARE SOMEONE!

Yeah, every time I look at the pricing for AWS it reminds me of when phone companies charged you per text message you sent.

If they can Nickle and dime you, they will.

If you’re talking about Ultima Online that game was pure cancer and the advantage in pvp based on how good your internet was something that would blow peoples minds today.

That was an extra spicy game.

FFXIV doesn’t really cater to the competitive crowd the way WoW does, I forsee a lot of people that are new to FFXIV this month sticking around for the long haul but I think that specific type of player we all know and love from WoW won’t.

Ultima was unforgiving, if you died monsters could take a few items off you and you only had about 20 min to get back to your corpse or lose everything you were carrying/wearing.

How do you know that the ambassadors from FF don’t meet whatever arbitrary threshold constitutes a “real” FF player?

Man, I can’t believe that was actually the norm and “unlimited texts” was a big selling point for some of the more premium plans and not just a standard.

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