The WoW story would be better if Alliance actually got revenge

Ash came back from the dead and has saved the literal god of his universe, you put some respect on that name, sir

Pretty sure Bruce Wayne doesn’t have super powers. And if using your brain to win a fight against a more powerful opponent is -not- the way to win a fight. I uh
 well. I just don’t have much else to say.

What’s clear here is that you don’t know what you are talking about, like the others here.


I mean, what are the victory conditions? Is “Ash defeats Goku, in a pokemon battle” outlandish?

Ash uses whatever new nonsense super mega power ups the new pokemon games have to make Pikachu into a kaiju who manages to beat Goku in a fight.

You really need to look inward.

The point is the writers are in complete control of the story. They can add in what is needed for a specific outcome, like how they keep adding in peace treaties to villain bat the horde with, or new OP superpowers for their beloved Alliance characters to become bigger Sues.

This isn’t an actual world following actual beings that they are just chronicling faithfully. They can make changes, overpowered characters can be brought down through the story, like how they nerfed Thrall’s connection to the elements. Secret societies could act against their faction sabotaging the military might to bring them more in line with the other side.

There are countless ways to continue the story without retcons or plot armor and change the balance while maintaining verisimilitude.

Batman using his intelligence to his advantage against stronger, more physically powerful opponents? Pretty sure that’s what he’s known for. But if you wanna give me more insight, I am always willing to listen. I may not agree, but your welcome to elaborate your position further.

You mean an item that was made by writers to limit a character and allow people who wouldn’t stand a chance to beat him? A thing you’ve been yelling yourself breathless against here?

I just realized, did he just accidentally flip the logic around on his own original argument?

Because initially it was vague “technology” that was the reason why the orcs who can chuck horses aren’t actually a threat at all.

I mean, I think the real point is “If I don’t think it should have happened that way it’s bad writing”


I am honestly very confused by alot of what’s been said. I thought we were discussing comics and anime.

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All I know is that I’m calling out Goku and if I’m not dead or forced to post an apology by 24 hours from now it can be assumed I won the fight.


But how will he fit in all the needed training episodes first?

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You will be remembered, friend

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He’s got the room of time and space. No excuses.

That was just a BBQ. The brisket was delightful. It’s too bad you missed it.

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Blood Elves have a legit beef with the Alliance. I would argue that the Undead do as well. The Orcs will NEVER, ever, have any leg to stand on in regard to who is “at fault” for hostilities.

Man if only the draenei didn’t lure the legion to the orcs homeworld and cause its destruction causing the orcs to go to Azeroth and then the alliance gladly let the draenei including the legion loyalists join their ranks


Orcs destroyed outlands bud.


Yea guess the legion being there and everything else didn’t do anything

Peak MHP and AV player brain