The WoW story would be better if Alliance actually got revenge


“The Horde I joined was birthed in blood. Tainted by corruption. The road that led to the Dark Portal was long and wide paved with the bones of innocents. We called it the Path of Glory. That was the great lie upon which the Horde was founded… that anything we did was honorable.” -Varok Saurfang

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Now what could that corruption be?


Revenge =/= Justice.
Vengeance =/= Justice.
Genocide =/= Justice.
Destroying Cities and Towns and Villages =/= Justice.

Why do people think justice is go out and commit death and destruction?

As I’ve said multiple times in this thread, even without the demon blood the Orcs still would have invaded Azeroth, as shown in WoD.

Also you cannot blame Draenei for Orcs being weak cowards who would take the easy way out by corrupting themselves with demon blood anyways.


The Orcs are literally bloodthirsty invading aliens, and we’re like “Yeah, it’s ok, you can stay.”

Heck, we just let literal terrorists into the Alliance with the red Draenei. Literal actual war criminals that committed genocide… Twice… against the Draenei people.

The Alliance are pushovers anymore. It’s time they stood up and said “No!”.

You mean the invasion that had outside influences again by having Garrosh, Wrathion, and Kairoz?

Dang, looks like more corruption


Actually haven’t as even that still required the actions of the MU demon blood horde to set up the events that let Garrosh go to the AU and deceive them into the invasion.

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Bomb Theramore again from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure :popcorn:


What if some disaffected group attempt to assassinate a major horde leader utilizing the Alliance military to betray and attack Horde military that believe they have a truce? And then later the leader of those radicals can do something crazy, like perform an action that they believe will ultimately lead to the total demise of an entire race of Horde citizens?

Would that suffice?

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The horde haven’t been corrupted by demon blood since WC3.

Theramore, Pandaria, Teldrassil etc were all choices they made freely.

Infantilizing the horde by claiming nothing they do is their own choice is a pathetic defense that I find hilarious for one to even make. Claiming your race is so pathetic that any tom dick or harry can goad them into doing their bidding is sad.

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Mr. Scott knows exactly what’s going on…


Alliance started it

We killed the dude who started that campaign

Evil McBadGuy was made warchief and we got rid of her as well

Meanwhile the alliance leaders who did horrible things are still very much so in power, enjoy your genocidal jaina

Causality, have you heard of it?

Without demon blood, they wouldn’t have been in azeroth, Grom wouldn’t have needed to be redeemed, Garrosh wouldn’t have been who he became. And never would have gone to an alternate reality to screw over a different set of Orcs.

Take out that block, the whole tower of events that caused that to happen topples over.


I’ll bite, what race did Jaina genocide?


We got another guy pretending dalaran never happened

A couple dozen people isn’t a genocide my guy.


Specifically targeting people based on race and either killing and imprisoning them all


Look who’s a bit of a double standards sam


They were literally coaxed into it by Garrosh, who forked the timeline and prodded Grommash into doing so and subjugating the fel users to fuel the Dark Portal. The Frostwolves were specifically subjugated as well.

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You’re comparing millions of Draenei to dozens of blood elves lmfao.