It makes so little sense that we can blame it all on N’Zoth.
What we need is to introduce rust eaters into the game. We’d never see another mechagnome.
Let’s not leave normal Gnomes out either, they deserve the blame as well
Goblins aren’t innocent from the blame either.
Transmissible rust, a la Transformers’ rust plague.
I’ll allow it
How hard it makes you laugh?
I would never laugh just because a village being nuked. Perish the thought.
I laughed because Rhonin got owned.
Why was the original post flagged?
Indeed we do.
They are equally to blame.
No, but Goblins did invent the Wolfercycle and that gives them a free pass in my eyes.
But he got owned and a town was nuked. That’s a win-win. It’s actually a win-win-win, because it was an Alliance town.
If it wasn’t for the sake of wow having two factions, the story would have gone down to the road of one side complete surrender or destruction. This would have been the logical conclusion to the story.
And realistically the horde would have lost, badly.
The alliance has the same quality , even higher quality of everything the horde has, in greater quantity.
What specifically about Stormheim?
The joys of the 5 minute peace treaties introduced in between expansion books.
Agree with you. Varian and Jaina should have completely wiped Orgrimmar out at the end of MOP. The leadership killed and everyone else sent through the dark portal back to live in Outlands. No mercy for the merciless. If they had done this Teldrassil would still be there, and we never would have gotten the stupid Shadowlands expansion.
The alliance has been too soft on those monsters for way too long, and everyone paid the price for that mistake.
Hard to say. There is also Warsong Gulch and the Arathi Basin. There is probably a difference between “hostility” and “total war”.
Ironically, in that one short story where Sylvanas was attempting to persuade Saurfang, she basically listed 5-10 reasons why the Alliance is likely to attack (revenge was listed, too). Why didn’t they simply let the Alliance attack? Or, better yet, allow Sylvanas to spin a few intrigues so that the Alliance attacks? That would have greatly strengthened her position in the Horde while also being more consistent with her character.
Stan Lee once said he always gets asked who would win in a fight between X and Y, and his one answer is “the person who’d win in a fight is the person the script writer wants to win”
The writers seem to favor the Alliance at times, but if they wanted the Horde to win, the Horde would win
The Alliance are masters of red light green light. Shame its always been red light whenever the horde hits back.
Well, its like they pulled a Pearl Harbor, but with the added twist of FDR being there. That tends to be the kind of thing that starts wars if one was not already started. Destroying military property and personnel and trying to kill the other side’s head of state tends to make people titchy.
I’m of the opinion that Saurfang was a dope for trusting Sylvanas after she already showed she was itching for a war, I absolutely think they should have just fortified the northern Barrens and rebooted the old MoP era industry, but that doesn’t make for a good expansion story.
Be more specific, are you referring to Greymane vs Sylvanas cinematic?