The WoW story would be better if Alliance actually got revenge

Nah, that’s pretty hostile. Pretty much telling someone to leave the forums, which is a no-no.

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Your other posts still exist and were unflagged

Unless you think if anything gets reported you need to post it again

Don’t ask questions if you’re gunna get angry when people answer them


Let me put on my night elf RP hat to answer.

[put’s hat on that says “for Teldrassil”] No. I’m tired. Don’t listen to the bad human paladin Andy.

[takes hat off]. I also say no and am also tired.


No I have had multiple posts removed even though they’ve followed forum ToS.

The forum posts of the current era treat the report button as a weapon to be used against posts they disagree with, which is sad.


Probably a sign that you shouldn’t be flagging them then

I think it’s funny that your only retort is effectively “u mad”

Like I said, if you don’t like the topic or the poster, no need to come into the thread and post in it. It’s not your obligation to participate in every thread.


Guess they didn’t follow the ToS then

Blue already said false flagging isn’t really a thing, people are allowed to report things if they believe they violate the ToS

Such as spam

Cool, I didn’t ask your opinion on what I should do, I was interacting with another posting in here as well

You are the one who instantly had to snap back when I gave the legitimate answer to the question you asked

This question incase you forgot and just wanna tell people what they should do some more


Seems like you’re just looking to troll and derail threads when you could easily ignore them instead.

Topic doesn’t violate ToS, and you seem to know that, yet you’re still here in pretending it does.

It’s time for you to go on ignore now but I hope the rest of your day gets better.


Did you think that we had forgotten?

Did you think that we had FORGIVEN?

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Both factions have done terrible things. However, the Alliance is still guilty of the biggest crime humanity has ever seen. That crime is Mechagnomes.

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I can only do so much. You all need to give me something to work with.

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See previous post.

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I don’t think you have the legs to pull of that look

Is that good enough?


Maybe not but it’s the look I’m going with. Let the teeth gnashing and wailing commence.

They just blindly spam reports in hope that the mod who reviews it is either A)Sympathetic to them or B)Assumes any thread that is reported is justified and takes the easy way out by deleting it.

We have come a long way from people actually arguing their points, instead people rely on abusing forum mechanics to “win” their arguments and it has been terrible for discourse.l


To be fair, Mechagnomes were around long before the Alliance, gotta blame the Titans for that one. Titans do seem to be the ultimate villains here.

Maybe because you keep upvoting your own OP’s? Dunno.


He’s not entirely wrong.
BFA would have made more sense if the Alliance had made the first move.


Let’s face it. BFA was never going to make sense.

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I just blame Mechagnomes for everything.

I still have no idea why Stormheim or the 5 other moronic things the Alliance did in the leadup to BFA never seem to count as starting it.