Oh damn so she changed her mind and decided against it, instead of actually committing the genocide like the Horde would have done. Yeah totally the same.
And for the record, she should have destroyed Orgrimmar. As I’ve said the Alliance are always the good guys but they shouldnt be. It’s boring and predictable.
only on the third attempt to intentionally wipe them out. Which frankly, is probably one of the evilest acts of an alliance character to be swept under the rug.
You can give some fraction of the orcs kills to them as well, because they were chill (for the area) until they got caught up in Velen and KJ’s relationship dispute
Almost like they were just kinda cool with existing on their home planet til Velen brought the legion there and didn’t bother to give anyone a heads up
Also just noticed the thread was moved, so time for OP to make the same thread again and claim it was deleted
I’m interested in discussing this as a functional change to the game, not as a theoretical lore discussion so the Story Forum is not an appropriate venue for it.
Even better, the main reason the demons were able to manipulate them is that the Draenei basically severed the orcs from the actual afterlife and also didn’t tell them that.
So all KJ had to do was suppress the orc force ghosts and pretend to be them for his ruse to begin.
You make your city a key factor in a war against the Horde, expect to be targeted. Theramore lost all claim to neutrality by being Varian’s beachhead in the Barrens campaign.
Decapitating the Alliance leadership would have been a bonus for their side.
We went from killing a creator death god to a slap fight over some yellow bath water.
Power scaling is broken in this setting on a fundamental level.
You could even take it back two steps and look at going from back-to-back global threats in Arthas and Deathwings to some upset orc that we’re expected to believe would be a real threat when matched up against the same 25 murder hobos that killed the last two threats, and wouldn’t immediately get meme’d by Azshara if she cared enough to stop by.
Yeah, not really seeing the Horde accept the folks who literally worked to enslave the orcs in the first place. It’s one of the same reasons we see very few Ogres actually working with the Horde, and why the Mak’Nothal were so hated by the other orc clans. Before the Legion, the Ogres enslaved the orcs.
The Man’ari made waaaaaay more sense being brought into the Alliance with the rest of the Draneai once no longer under the sway of Sargaras. That said, they really should have been a full on allied race with their own racial and class limits, and not just a cosmetic reskin for normal space goats.
Tyrande making massive political screw-ups and throwing short-sighted tantrums if she doesn’t get her way are pretty much her primary defining character traits. Remember, this is the same Tyrande who after days of watching a Human Paladin leading a force of combined alliance and Horde forces to hunt and clear the demons from Ashenvale, and knowing that’s exactly what he was doing, STILL had him killed just for the crime of daring to BE in Ashenvale at all. You’d think someone who’s been around as long as she has would be better at diplomacy than she is. /shrug
The Iron Horde was only able to attempt that invasion because instead of being tricked into subservience to the Legion they noped that, and captured the surrounding Legion resources: most importantly, the Dark Portal itself. Remember they were using Gul’dan and the other Twilight Counsel members to power it.
In both timelines, the ONLY reason the orcs were able to invade Azeroth at all is because of the Legion and the Dark Portal. Also remember the portal on Azeroth was made by Medhiv, a human under sway of the Legion. Without the Legion being involved, orcs would have stayed on their own planet and never come to Azeroth, and the First War never happens.
The problem is that after the Alliance commits atrocities, Blizzard still frames the Horde as useless.
The Alliance destroyed Taurajo - and does Baine use this to rile his people for justice? No. He rules it a legitimate target, and exiles anyone who wants revenge.
The Alliance goes on an ethnic cleansing spree in Dalaran led by Jaina. So what? We still work with Jaina in almost every expansion. Even side with Jaina against a survivor of the Purge as we free Baine.
Blizzard can make the Alliance commit a thousand more atrocities- it won’t change the narrative of the Horde being the victims while still looking to the Alliance as their savior gods who can do no wrong.