You gotta work for those abs, fel or not.
The Alliance didn’t get the best of the best of the Man’ari, they got the equivalent of unmotivated high school dropouts who weren’t cutting it in Man’ari society
You gotta work for those abs, fel or not.
The Alliance didn’t get the best of the best of the Man’ari, they got the equivalent of unmotivated high school dropouts who weren’t cutting it in Man’ari society
Even better, basically, Jaina had her fireball spell set to “Tickle”
If memory serves the silver covenant did kill civilians but not her. I looked it up and saw there was a bug arcane blast ticked but she only fought Sunreavers who attacked her the rest were sent to violet hold.
Regardless, a few dozen Sunreavers doesnt make a genocide. Trying to compare it to the millions of Draenei to wash away your guilt isnt gonna cut it.
You can see it right now, instead of relying on you clearly unreliable memory
Such as this, literally no one has done that
nope, she was one shotting random sunreaver civilians with fireballs before the level squish.
The bug was that she was only attacking, and doing it at a comical rate. it was fixed.
Either way canonically she does kill at least a few people who did not attack first, we know she ices one of Aethas’ bodyguards just to be menacing. She killed at least one of Hathorel’s friends.
And Aethas was the biggest pro-alliance voice at the time lmao
I mean youre saying theyre both equal lol.
Jaina banishing the Sunreavers from Dalaran after they helped destroy Theramore is justified. Hell, if she did kill every one of them it would have been justified, but it still wouldnt have been genocide.
Shame that never happened though
Please quote my saying that
It’s a world of magic where real world physics don’t apply. A group of 10-20 horde can take down Old Gods, Titans, the entire Legion, etc… All these arguments of armies and NPC’s are irrelevant. The only way to truly find out who would win is one giant BG with all the players on their mains to the death, B’rez’s allowed. Let’s Go!
And here we go:
That didn’t happen.
And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.
And if it was, that’s not a big deal.
And if it is, that’s not my fault.
And if it was, I didn’t mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it. ← we are here
Also funny seeing where he started the thread at
“We should get to do some atrocities, but they can’t be called atrocities”
Theres a reason why the Narcissist’s prayer is evergreen
Here you go.
Jaina didn’t genocide anyone, but it would have been a better story if she did.
Yeah…maybe it was considered trolling. It seems more appropriate for the role playing section than the general forum, imo.
I mean, you can still call someone murderous after they tried to kill someone 2-3 times but didn’t succeed.
I don’t see any mention of draenei anywhere in there?
Seems like you’re making up what I’m saying
Who did she try to kill though?
Or are you counting her being angry and wanting to attack Orgrimmar after Theramore as an attempt?
She sent two tidal waves that Thrall was barely able to stop, and if her dragon BF hadn’t shown up and talked her down the third would have gone through.
In the murder comparison, she didn’t just have a gun, she shot it at them twice.
Guys, the Eredar have clearly won the genocide olympics and have taken home the gold, silver, and copper. Thus, Stormwind Delenda Est.