The Worst Snack

rice. just plain ol rice with soy-sauce. with a fork. like… i can’t see that going well… rice getting all over the place, probably getting in the keyboard… not a good snack idea.

Nah it’s not that bad… I’m guilty of being lazy and just tossing rice in the cooker and pick it up once done… usually it’s just some butter and pepper I toss in. It’s actually pretty ideal to eat at the desk or while playing.

yeah but like… with a fork? with rice-grains getting between the prongs, and falling all over the place as you try to raise it up to your mouth? ehh… i dunno, seems messy to me.

…maybe with a spoon it could work, but with a fork, not so much.

Dont get me wrong, i love the stuff. But proper Honeycomb would have your fingers glued to the keyboard lol


Personally I eat with chopsticks… But I was raised with those as an Asian so… I think people who can’t use stick should probably use a spoon over a fork lol.


Anything that you have to eat with your hands.
Keep your keyboard and mouse clean buddy

I don’t need a cat to knock a glass of wine all over my keyboard. I’m pretty klutzy.
I would say any fingerfood that will leave anything on your fingers is just a no go.

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smack and coke

Tomato soup

This too is Malsumis.


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Peanut butter and sardines together.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:


A mason jar full of rock candy.

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Gnomes with BBQ sauce. gets everywhere.

The cereal or an actual honeycomb? I can see where the latter would be messy.

This is so endearing to me. Is it an allergen for you? I’ve not met anyone so vehemently against occupying the same general space as coconuts. It’s a fun word, too. Coconut :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Also, please tell me Akston us posted his pop tart train wreck thing here! That thing is legendary.

the worst snack is pineapple chicago deep dish taco pizza.

I don’t think coconut is an allergen for me. But I have never been able to handle the taste or texture of coconut. Not fresh or dried. Even as someone stated above, vanilla treats have enough of a hint of the taste that they always make me pause. I have always been that way. My parents told me even as a baby, I would react negatively to coconut. Even the dentist has to use something other then the pina colada flavored numbing agent.

On the other hand, the scent of coconut oil in a suntan lotion is nearly intoxicating.

I’m weird. I know.


You’re you and that’s cool. Not weird.

Bear kebab.


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