The Worst Snack

MOM!!! HOT POCKETS!!! -Eric Cartman


i do not like cheez its

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Barbecue chicken wings. Imagine having to clean your fingers after each bite due to the sauce getting everywhere.


That’s the most brilliant thing I’ve read all day.



Ants on a log.

I didn’t think anything could top “dusty, orange cheese puffs” and then you pop in with this one. :upside_down_face:


Good lord, gamers are weird.

ive tried :frowning: i want to be able to use them so bad but i just can’t.

Spanish peanuts will ruin your keyboard.

Pocket knives

Or uranium

Uranium is also so caloric :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Don’t knock it 'till you try it.

Practice makes perfect, young grasshoppa!


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Nachos. I can never eat those w/o making a mess.

Something the cat would knock over onto my keyboard while I’m tanking.


Anything with coconut.

Vile substance.


Please step away from your computer if you’re going to eat. I get wanting to eat as you game but it’s not worth gumming up your stuff with what could even seem like the most inocuous foods. And wash your hands, you animals.

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I hate so much when I buy a vanilla dessert and there’s hidden coconut in it! Happens way too often!

Blasphemy, I will release the Craver on you.

Worse snack would be those Haribo sugar-free gummy bears that gave people the runs, and folks would buy it for their friends as a prank.

A sack of raw human fat straight out of the medical waste dumpster.

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Veggies. Like, carrots and ranch, celery and peanut butter etc. There is a time and place for veggies and gaming is not one of them. You’re a psychopath if you do this.