The Worst Snack

My mother loves the smell of fresh brewed coffee (best way to wake up when camping).

Despises the taste.

So i understand where youre coming from


ooohā€¦ that actually sounds kinda delicious-

oop. nevermind. that sounds gross.

ā€¦i must be hungry, i only ever think cannibalismā€™s a good idea when my bellyā€™s emptyā€¦

iā€™d never actually eat a person, but likeā€¦ i keep thinkin itā€™ll be like delicious, delicious porkā€¦ :yum: yup, definitely hungry. time to get me some hotdogs.

That requires eating at my deskā€¦I donā€™t allow food or open container beverages near my electronics.



Dude, Iā€™m in the same boat as you. I CANNOT stand coconut, and Iā€™m not allergic. I just detest the taste and textureā€¦ everything that you said.

The only difference is that Iā€™m not crazy about the smell. Itā€™s okay, but not the greatest thing.

Whereā€™s the thumbs down option for this nonsense post?

Joining the coconut haters club. I have no idea if itā€™s my ASD but the texture and squeak on my teeth makes me want to gag.

Catfood. The shredded kind, not the firm patė.

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I just suck 'em straight out of the bag.

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