The worst part of the new social contract

Tell it to someone who cares. These threads are multiplying like idiotic bunnies and I’m tired of it.


Then don’t be a hypocrite?

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Don’t throw a tantrum over being asked to follow basic civility?

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I’m not trying to act like an angel tho. There were many keys I left when I pugged because I couldn’t handle it - the ppl dying over and over to what was obvious avoidable damage to me, for example. :woman_shrugging:

Overall, I believe what I wrote is true sometimes I lacked patience for it tho. I also didn’t go around calling ppl bad.

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In FFXIV I would even go back and run raids for the rewards.

I havent seriously raided in WoW since the end of Cata. The rewards for raiding are not worth having to deal with the WoW playerbase.

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Why don’t you try practicing basic civility? Practice what you preach.

You don’t have to come into these threads or even reply to them in the first place. Exercise some self control if you can’t be polite and civil.

Yeah, fair enough. I’ll just start muting these trash threads until GD’s performative outrage machine rolls on to the next nonsense. Starting with this one.


Like I said, you spend most of your time playing damage control and when the subject of blizzard’s consistent abusive behavior is mentioned, you get frustrated.



I do the same in WoW on the regular. And even in FF. You get debuffs in FF same as you do in WoW LFG/LFR.

I don’t personally see a problem with that. Emotionally, some folks just don’t want to carry others. There’s nothing wrong with that. Move on and find people you don’t have to carry.

There’s plenty wrong with the initial statements I made. There’s no place in this game or any other to be a jerk just because you’re a “better” player.


idk i never run into these toxic behaviors like you claim and all i do is pug. alot of made up fantasy on the forums as usual or your definition of toxic reaches way out there. i get maybe one toxic person out of 30 or 40 groups but game toxic get outta here.btw i call everyone hun sorry i offended you don’t report me.

Jeeves , be a good man and and do retrieve my bag of flags… we have another fake thread to dispatch.


Maybe because you’re a good player? And maybe specifically because you’re a “good” player, you’re setting your own personal standard for what’s toxic and what’s not?

Surely we don’t need to have a discussion on positive enforcing social interaction vs negative. Surely we don’t.

I see negative behavior daily in WoW. Trade chat much? PvP? Mythic+ low damage? Healer can’t keep up?

“OMG why did we bring this Mistweaver to an 8+. God this was a blanking mistake.”
“You’re all so bad. Get good.”
“Shut up liberal hippy”
“Your waifu is trash”
“Rofl your mom etc etc”
“FF is a game for panzies”
“Don’t trash talk me, my main is a 20+ tank.”

We live in this. How can you not see the vitriol nature of it?


I hope ur not talking about me. I do not like to argue and rarely do. This forum makes me laugh when some ppl seem legit upset over their first world problems. :duck:

And your bad attitude is ruining everyone else’s fun / gameplay.

They’re referring to me, not you. Because I don’t concede to their viewpoint, I’m a “troll, a clown, argumentative.” It’s a sense of entitlement that everyone must concede to their offbased points.

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Youre not a troll or clown, youre a human!

Nah, I’m an argumentative troll clown. It’s the OP class. High DPS with a lot of utility. :grin:


Ion said they were looking into doing runs with NPC’s like FFXIV did…problem solved.

You will then just go nutter over the gear they have rotflmao

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Its funny, some of us know that if you get in a group of randoms, you have to deal with random people.

How hard is it to be like, I dont like people who waste my time so I am going to join a guild and only run with people I know will not waste my time?

Back in the day I was guilded, but I pugged a LOT. When Cata came out and everyone got toxic, I just ran with guildies and only the guildies that were on our raid team that I knew could finish the dungeons (except my ex - she had special privileges)

Its on you if you choose to group with the lowest common denominator and get upset they may not be to your “standards”.

You know, it might just be the people that are not good enough to get in a guild, or if they are in a guild, good enough to get invited with the “good” players and they are stuck playing with people at their level - and either they dont know it or just dont like it because while they dont want to carry, they want to GET carried.

You want to know what ruined this? Dead servers.

My server doesn’t even have guilds to join to do content like raids and M+ with, so I am basically forced to pug to get anything done.

That or pay to fix a problem, that I didn’t create. And I am not handing over hundreds of dollars to transfer 15 characters to a high pop realm.