The worst part of the new social contract

Being in content like M+, with DPS that are 260+ and doing very little DPS and you can’t call them out on doing garbage DPS because you’re afraid they will report you.

Or people 260+ with M+ score, who clearly do not know mechanics of bosses/the dungeon.

Or people who just die to standing in stuff, or tanks who aren’t pulling mobs out of bad.

Honestly, there are people in this game who are bad, and should be told they are bad so that way they know there is a problem. If they just keep getting carried through content, they will never learn.

It’s gotten so bad, I will just leave keys without saying anything and they will be wondering why I left. But I don’t want to spend over 30 minutes in a key +2-±5 because the DPS is so bad. I’ve also seen a lot of geared healers who don’t know how to heal, or dispell, or just keep the party alive.

It’s scary how bad some people playing this game are. And their bad game play, is ruining MY fun/game play.

Does social contract now mean we have to just “be nice” and carry people? Even if it means ruining our day/wasting our time?

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Just don’t use foul language. Why is this social contract thing such a sticking point? No new rules were introduced with the social contract. It’s the same rules that have always been there. If you can’t be critical of another player’s actions without using bannable language that’s a you problem.


The way you phrase this is troubling. It seems to imply that instead of politely asking them to do a bit better or making suggestions you’re just attacking them.

I dunno.



I used to just say “Your DPS is terrible for your item level, you need to learn to play before you come into M+ keys” yet I am worried people will now report me for hurt feelings(I never had a silence or anything before when I told people they were bad)

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You can politely insult people. Takes a bit of practice. I have gotten so good at it at work people don’t realize I was being cruel until long after I have walked away.

My brother in law used to call me the nicest A-hole he ever met.


This entire attitude is why everyone considers this game toxic and I never pug.

There is a difference between just telling someone the “git gud” and providing contructive feedback.

You are apparently in the “git gud” crowd


I wonder…

“Blocking team progress” is a report option under report a player now; if someone enters a middle to high key, without obviously knowing how to play their class and do their DPS, can you report them now under that option?

“This group doesn’t have the damage/heals to complete this. Not going to waste more time, I recommend that X,Y,Z of you read some guides and do lesser keys to practice. We’ll be here all night.”

[Avakinz leaves the group]

Seems pretty straight forward, you said your piece, told everyone to git gud and now you can more heavily curate your next group. Kinda /thread no? SC has nothing to do with it, attitude does.


Constructive criticism is more profitable than berating someone. I promise you this :heart:


I’m also curious what those of you saying “constructive criticism” actually mean by that.

Do you mean, “Hey, you probably should go read some guides on Icy Veins so you know how to properly play your class, before coming into end-game content like M+” or do you mean actually telling them how to properly play their class?

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And wonders why there’s a problem…


passive aggressive or hard to find to sarcasm?

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“excuse me, little timmy, would you mind getting gud plz?”

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I’m just curious if they are as bad as your transmog?


Yes you can. You don’t need to cuss them out and call them various insults to call them out.

Also you could still get reported before the terms got renamed to social contract. :slight_smile:


Missing the kthxbye :rofl:

calling their dps garbage is derogatory no?


I disagree
the worst part of the new social contract is everyone freaking out about it as if the ToS hasn’t said the exact same thing for 17 years, just with more words.


No the worst part is the marshmallows being extra report happy now.

that’s definately a thing that needs to stop.

easily bent people are obnoxious to be around. I think a lot of it will calm down though.

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