The worst part of the new social contract

FF Savage is also timed. Players still try it net-new.

Saying “Hey, your DPS is a little low for this. I’m not sure we can finish.”

is vastly different from…

“Your damage is absolute garbage. Why tf are you even here. gtfo.”

And the latter is what the OP’s post indicated.

In all fairness, even telling someone their damage is meh in FF can result in a ban for you. You’re not supposed to know folks’ damage in raids. So devil’s advocate wise, they’re kind of too care bear over there.

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Normally I would agree, but it’s right there in black and white in what he posted to me too.


Nothing about that is a command or demand, it’s a suggestion. And the fact that despite being told how words work he still continues to push this tired narrative that if you run by someone getting killed without helping, you’ll get reported and possibly have actions taken against you. Seems pretty troll-like to me.

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Lmao you’re an actual clown.


Hit dog hollers. That is exactly what they did in Overwatch. Or when JAB had to go on stage and apologize with his cute pin after the HK fiasco.

OP is stupid if they think they’ll get banned for saying someone’s DPS is garbage

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Scroll up to my post a few up.

If it’s not enforceable, than it’s terribly condescending.

It’s only condescending if people don’t need to be reminded of it.

I think this thread alone demonstrates pretty well how that’s not the case.


I mean, someone already said they do that in Final Fantasy.

Do you think any other advice or tips in the game are condescending?

If they hid this away and had you check a box, would you be as concerned?

There’s not gonna be anyone banned for not forming groups or not being social.

It just advises doing that because this is a social based game.


Yeah, they just want you to be nice, guys. As they abuse staff and ban their own players and then keep their tournament winnings because they dared to say something China didn’t like.

They’re just reasonable abusive people that don’t want you to abuse people, guys.

Yes, if it was just a reminder that popped up when you logged in, but you could check a box to make it not appear anymore, I’d be completely alright with.

I’d be completely alright if the option to click it away for good was removed if you were actioned for harassment and other types of behavior.

But as someone who is mostly polite, if not outright silent, and has been since TBC, I’m deeply annoyed that this utterly corrupt and morally bankrupt company is sitting on a high horse, trying to tell me how to play nice.

Those people they let go, and the board and Kotick are gone next year.

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If Microsoft hadn’t bought them, I would have honestly expected them to revert to a similar level of morally bankrupt as soon as the heat died down and the public eye moved off them.

I’m glad Microsoft bought them and hope it’ll affect real change internally.

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Whether you check mark it or press agree, it both works the same. You aren’t getting banned for not being social. It doesn’t even say you have to do that.


There is literally no point in bringing this up over and over again. Their business practices have nothing to do with the need to keep a gaming community moderated and civil for best player experience.


Yes, it does need to be brought up. Because this is just damage control to make them look nice and like they’ve changed.

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there’s no need to tell them most of them already know and don’t care honestly cause thats what pugs are in wow in 2022. least they could be like some people and actually put in the note carry me plz.

No, it doesn’t. It’s a non-sequitor.

Where does that argument lead? Blizzard had some employees that harassed people, therefore the players of WoW should be allowed to do the same with zero impunity? For christsake use some actual thought. This is getting real $%&ing old.


See, you don’t see how those two things are different.

One is basically a tutorial reminder. The other is a binding agreement that refuses to let you play.

You know, that is my favorite part of FFXIV.

IDC if I end up carrying someone. In WoW leveling dungeons, my son and I (as tank and healer) could routinely carry 3 DPS and we didnt care. The queue said they had to come along so we took them.