The worst part of being OP…

Same thing it always has been since the game start: a spec entirely played by mouth breathers who believe they’re far, far better than they are.

thats a very moronic thing to state, its a spec made in the game for players to try

It’s moronic? Well I guess everything looks like a nail when you’re a hammer.

Suffering from Success, first world problems.

But you’ve looked at shamans plenty from dead on the ground yes?

I would give my left shaman nut for them to buff 2H. I have the STV totem and I play the unbreakable youtube video in the background each time I try it out.

And…I cry with the results.

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Now you have shown that you know nothing, sorry. This is why you were given a chance.

In ERA shaman vs paladin was always a war of attrition match up. It was Palpatine vs Yoda fight, but if Palpatine had mana and could go oom. And for that to happen you needed to spend your mana effectively playing defensive and healing, since shaman’s shocks drain a lot of mana and other spells are not cheap aswell.

In SoD ench got gigabuffed with SR and MSW heals so his mana problems went away and he does not have to hard cast heals anymore.
Ret just got a few more buttons to press. When it comes to sustain - he has to hard cast heals with no spell pushback protection and no tools to quickly regen all his mana. On top of it you wear warrior’s plate items with no int on it.
This is why OP’s build is the most effective vs shamans atm : lamellar pvp gear has int and spd on it, holy talent tree provides 100% mana refund on critical heals (and with fanaticism helm rune you have 30+% holy spell crit), you have 70% spell pushback protection that you can ramp to 100 with concentration aura. And damagewise this build gets CD reset of holy shock with exorcism together with AoW rune, HoR bracer rune gives a 1h only attack that ignores armor and hits like a truck (scales with weapon dps and perfectly suits you when you wear STV 1h that was designed for that). That 1h even has 1,5 speed to fish holy shock/exorcism resets faster. And all of this while being plate+wearing a shield. I knew you had no clue. This is why you think “standart ret” can do something in current meta.

But all this tryharding is still not enough to fight effectively even backpedalling elemental noob, because he can yolo global you anyway.

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Yep, the famous guy who was killing backpedaling noobs in greens while wearing r13 gear with sulfuras.

I remember in 2019 vanilla recreation Cdew was given hand of rag. And he was found playing ele next week. A grip of reality hits hard.

Lava lash? no

Lava smash :sunglasses:

so 5 hours of ele later and can say… I have won everysingle bg, dropped 20-30 kills a game and its absolutely oppressive in team fights. In duels its kinda mid, unless you get unreal powersurge procs.

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mfw I have 2+ flame shocks applied to me in a BG and no bubble

Faith in humanity somewhat restored. The plebs on these forums underperformed even my very low expectations

Totally agree with everything here, but technically you do have concentration aura, but go off king.

I think if they didn’t decide to separate the masteries into separate runes you could at least get some fun with 2h with wep swapping. 2h is good against low armor squishy targets that you get low up time on. But it was always worse against the tankier targets that you needed higher sustain on.

Main problem is they just can’t figure out how to balance enh for pve without dw because they are lazy. My favorite part is that they add these cool 2h totems to the bm vendor that you can only use as a meme.

They should combine the wep masteries into 1 rune and make lava lash work with a 2h wep in some way. Maybe have it transform into lava sweep when a 2her is equipped that cleaves. Take Healing wave off msw and make gwolf insta and enh would be in a pretty cool spot.

They will still struggle against the good classes that can kite. But maybe all the maniacs will stop crying about enh shams…nah 1 triple ss wf crit from a 2her and its back to the forums.

I mean true, but ret gives up a 10% damage buff to exorcism and judgement to run conc aura, you could try to swap mid combat but that’s a GCD that you then have to follow up with a 2.5 sec cast

They need to make auras work like war stances that have their own gcd


dude I wish. to this day in retail, auras are still on the GCD. I would 100% macro conc aura with holy light

35%<100% I heard. I did even test some ret/reck builds with imp conc on ERA to ramp it to 45 (didn’t have points to go 50) and 45% still sucks.

man just let me get an instant flash of light with AoW sheesh.

also make divine storm great again

Be more like pallies getting an instant holy light. Not flash

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