The worst part of being OP…

Is it is for a spec and playstyle that I legitimately could care less to play since classic enhance was All about 2h. I’m pigeon holed into these snakes fist weapons and forced to DOMINATE my opponents with 2x 1.5 sec icd windfuries spamming to full with msw dropping max spells and heals…. I would have rathered got crash lightning and sundering and a 2h playstyle instead of being a dual wield demigod….

We won’t ever see 2h in retail, and now we can’t even get it in the classic with a twist.

It’s bitter sweet.

P.S. buff divine storm, don’t force rets to be weird like enhance.


People are playing 2h you know.

Inb4 what no they arent 2h isnt viable REEEEEEEE

Sorry to burst your parse monkey brain bubble, but there’s plenty of people running around with bonk totems having fun doing it.


lobby retail devs for 2h enh, it eventually worked for frost DKs after they made the weird decision to make them only dual wield and people complained enough.

better chance of them listening than the “we think last week’s pvp was good” devs.

like DF and MAYBE now going into TWW is probably the best chance players have to get retail devs to listen to them after the fiasco that shadowlands was. for real put up a thread on shaman forums if one isn’t already there lobbying for it if it’s possible to fit in the context of TWW hero trees (I haven’t really looked at sham much so idk)

I relived the whole “zomg I wish I could 2h instead of DW” with FDK in Shadowlands. They nerfed FDK so bad coming out of alpha that I gave up before the xpac even started, in PVE I mean.

It sucks when you keep up with WoW too much, you can see stuff is gonna suck before the xpac even comes out now.

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yeah I mean FDK isn’t exactly GREAT but it did have a REALLY cheesy comp with dev evoker

this is the sod forums.

go to tww forums :stuck_out_tongue: .

It was good in Slands with Stun Dragon legendary. Probably sucks now.

yes that’s what I am suggesting :slight_smile:

this game is bleeding population and will continue to do so with lazily implemented blanket nerfs instead of actual class tuning :slight_smile:

have to say the story looks neat though in tww :smiley: .

glad to see thats changed .

Elemental and enhancement are both completely op.

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I played a little UH DK but not frost this xpac, I think they may have baked 1.5 min CD on stun dragon into talent now though. I think it may have gotten buffs at some time in the past few months. haven’t been keeping up too much, just getting back into it

I dabbled on my FDK a bit in keys, but not in PVP. I can do more dps on it in rag tag random gear from last season than I can on my 505 ilvl shaman. Yes I suck at Ele, no I don’t play Ele, but it’s just bizarre to me, shouldn’t even be able to happen.

I think the reason I gave up on it in PVP was because of the damage, not the playstyle. It was a CD Andy spec.

Wasn’t the bis frost spec last phase 2h with the legendary?


Sure but I just dropped another 30’bomb dual wielding in an AB, and there’s nothing the opps can do about it.

What am I going to do? Not exploit using burn with flametongue offhand and hitting 5 players at a time with 100% flameshock damage and multi proccing torment while still having windfury mainhand for what, a super sub optimal build for some fun?

Okay I’ll try it but in the damage nerf world 2h feels like cheeks.

Actually crit an 800 lava lash tonight, pretty high considering they kinda nerfed the ability.

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yeah dude but why don’t you just play the suboptimal gimped version of the same spec you play and have just as much fun???

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you know i dont report posts or ignore anyone ever just on principle but im growing really tired of the nerf shaman posts every day.

its boring and annoying at this point.

btw youre probably a good player disrespecter.

you could be wrecking even more on a hunter or a spriest or a moonkin.

or for that matter, any toon you play is gonna be good.

why play into the mob?

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Im grounding the report and decoying the block


imagine how tiring it is facing enhancement shaman and then saying they win because they’re just inherently better players and no other external factors lmao.

like, this dude is definitely good, you don’t go 41-1 without being a competent player. he acknowledges all the many strengths of this class and you wanna just go “but ya 3 metas ago”

jury is out on the current “meta”.

nobody really has a finger on whats what currently.

i can say hunters spriests and boomies are doing quite well though.

To be honest these specs can also be considered grossly overpowered and strong in a team fight and SHOULD be adjusted. I think people don’t complain as much since they aren’t factioned but I would say that’s speculation on my behalf.

I watched my friend yesterday before the damage nerf 2 tap people all night in AB as a Boomie. It was hilarious listening to him cackle and say “hammer of dawn is online”

“Theres so many posts about nerfing a certain class every day but it surely cant be the fact that its the class that is overpowered! Everyone but me is wrong!”

This is why not everyone should be able to post on public forums

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