The worst part of being OP…

how is it if you know nothing about it

Never talk about happiness then, because you know nothing about that either.

you have a 70 on retail, all that needs to be said about happiness brother

I actually was more comfortable with p2 shaman than I am with p3 shaman.

I’ve laid the shaman class out to bare for all to see. Words are irrelevant at this point and you’re well aware of it.

In every video you have posted you have proven yourself to be pretty bad at pvp and losing to other players that are also bad at pvp. In one video you compramised a 1v1 where a mage was about to kill a shaman and instead walked up to him with only auto attacks while wearing a 1h and shield so he could freely stack maelstroms on you. The only person you have laid out bare is yourself.

That is just such a stupid argument. If an ability WHILE OOM is countered by not attacking then it is an OP ability. How well does not attacking work in a 1v1. Enh brain jesus.

Im sorry that you dont seem to understand that your deep holy build is not ever going to beat our maelstrom. Every single iteration of maelstrom has worked the exact same way since it was introduced and yet you are still unaware of how to play around it. The mage was having zero problems with maelstrom stacks before you showed up.

Well i’m not some retail player (TBC and onward). Why would I know how an ill conceived ability that takes no skill works? Even if I was intentionally the worst game designer in the world I couldn’t design something that does an instant heal and 100% mana reduction pick one.

If you dont understand the mechanics of the game and lose in combat due to your own lack of knowledge that is nobodys fault but your own. The mage understood the ability and played around it perfectly. The shaman in your clip was not even using mental dex + riptide which is what is actually broken and needs to be tuned down. You feeding maelstrom stacks due to you not comprehending the ability is nothing but poor gameplay on your part.

Probably going to be the last time I reply to you since I think you’re extremely dishonest or extremely unintelligent but what I could have done in the 1v2 is completely irrelevant. It demonstrates how strong the self healing of enh is and how little it takes in terms of skill (no mana or casting management). Hyperfocusing on how I could have won the 1v2 faster is purely a deflection and beside the point.

You can feel free to ignore and insult me all you like but in your own evidence you have proven that you are unwilling to learn your opponents strengths to best work around them. You have also proven that you choose to use a build that is inherently not well put together for pvp. And finally you have proven that you dont seem to understand the unbreakable tie between pve and pvp inside of class design as the ability was introduced to allow enhancement shamans to not be perpetually oom in a raid environment and was added at the same time in which certain paladin abilities were that allowed them to also not be perpetually oom. The most valuable asset in war and battle is information yet you choose to remain blind in your understanding of your opposition.

Lets give you a chance to show what build is the best to fight shamans as a paladin atm.

Could care less? Well get to it then!

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Yes please read this carefully and come back when you’re done caring.

Not only do I look incredible while doing it, but I find using the smash totem 2h to be very satisfying in PvP.

The proc chance is high, I have disabled an opponent twice within a handful of seconds before dropping them.

Though… I would like to see an increased chance to proc windfury integrated into the two hand mastery and maybe an additional 20% attack power bonus to windfury weapon, this should make it compete with the wild maelstrom generation dual wield brings and utility it offers. 2h windfury should bring the fear and stress a Lava Burst overload does.

Hell you could just give it a second attack so it can do all of that. Instead of it playing like a boring 6 sec auto attack simulator between your one melee ability.

yeah 2h needs some love for shammy also would like to see dual weilding paladins and 2h rogues

Bruh 2h rogue would be an actual vibe… reminds me of rowdy rogue from pathfinder wrath of the righteous. Amazing game.

Uhm standard ret would have done quite a lot better in his situation. Did you check his videos before making this reply? He is deep holy with a 1h and shield while trying to play as a dps tank. His only relatively decent damage is holy shock and then he walks up and begins to auto attack. In all of his posts even the other paladins are telling him his build is bad.

if shaman Enhance 2h isnt “viable” then i dont even wanna know wtfh ret falls under