The worst part of being OP…

yeah I know but unlike most of my horde counterparts I don’t wanna be completely busted. I think if we had MSW level healing as paladin that would be completely broken. if they gave us divine steed or any real mobility, that would also be pretty busted. ret is solid in PVP but enhance shaman is just miles better with their ability to not die and still blast damage

PLUS better team support from enhancement shaman. yes I can cleanse magic effects as well as disease and poison, but it takes me 1 GCD per person and SO many DoT effects in this game stack, I run lamellar set and off heal teammates when I can, but people act like enhancement shaman are out here making giga brain plays by mousing over someone’s raid frame that’s low near them and pressing an instant heal at 0 mana cost.

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Ok so since you only read one sentence per post i am going to clarify to you that the video of him I was refering to is the one where he interjected himself into a 1v1 between a mage and a shaman where the shaman was fully oom and about to die until he ran in doing no damage and fed maelstrom stacks not the video in his most recent thread. Also you are trying to defend a build that in five different videos has proven to be an ineffective option with the lack of any real bonus damage coming from the holy tree. Finally in the video I am refering to with your explanation he should have used holy shock and then stayed way out of melee range for heal crits to get more holy shocks out, instead he ran in to melee for not particular reason other than not understanding how shamans work.

It was enough when you said “deep ret could work fine”. Also deep ret is a range build that can stay away and don’t feed MSW stacks?

What a shocker : melee class ran in to do some damage in pvp. Instead of admitting how broken MSW is, you want players to invent a spaceship to have a chance of winning your broken class.

There is nothing to defend here when you clearly don’t understand how the class works. Paladin in general is not strong enough to compete - it is not a build problem, esp when you fight an oppressive class, forcing you to play defensively all the time.

Paladin does not have anything to reset holy shock cd with heal crits. Embarassing yourself even more.

^^ :clown_face:

So burn and power surge is absolutely amazing in AB BS fight. Finished the first clash at like 40k plus damage every game. Flameshock ripping people apart. Back to back to back lava bursts absolutely owning noobs. Burn hitting 5 targets maybe needed for pve buts its absolutely bonkers in a team fight. The 1v1 kinda feels meh, they just kick you or you get a lucky power surge proc.

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heavy is the crown…

it’s not too late to delete this bro

Ele shaman may be the most oppressive team fighter I have played in SoD with the recent changes…absolutely controlled mid, solo dived 1 shot the enemy FC with multiple lava surge procs I farmed out by multi dotting. Playing ele is so much easier than enh… I use to think enh was such much more OP, but im over here on mothers day sippin beer, holding my son asleep in the chest harness, and sending 1 handed lava bursts dominating an entire team leaned back.

Only half my power…

Still hitting 12-1400 lava bursts before overload during the damage nerf meta with 5k+ hp and that not even including the overloads…

Sometimes Ill send a lvb and get back to back surge procs and keep sending them in the first clash and tab deleting each person… shamans may actually ruin the game. But I am here for it because incursions and the death of 2h enhance already ruined the game for me…

just an easy 20 bomb mid day. Whelp off to go for a walk.

https:// imgur. com/a/rQwFwHH

p.s. I am also in bogus random gear I through together, not even in ele bis. Just the r7 set and the mara random accessories weapons/shield lol.

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Your that guy who breaks mage sheep and rogue blinds while they bandage aren’t you?

“Ohh a mage is kiting a oom shaman let me jump in here and see if I can help this shaman with his only chance at staying alive… I could just judge and shock him but nah, lemme get right in his face and melee him.”

Literal muppet show.

False equivalency. Like you and respect and intelligence.

Lovely to see someone type out how it looks from the outside.

Everyone likes to scream about how the instant procs are rare and only happen rarely… it’s a 2 second cast. All the juicy mage spells are locked behind a cast that length or higher lol. Looks fun… but is clearly overtuned.

If you guys had to choose between that ability to delete and riptide/shamanistic rage I would be all for it. But the fact you get all 3 is bonkers.

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its actually, this easy


https:// imgur .com/a/X9P77U8

duo queued with a boomkin… went to every team fight hit flameshock, owned whole team. holding my son on his second afternoon nap.

im 1 handed feet up in the nursery clowning alliance.

this will probably ruin pvp for most ally

i thought enh was op, but im on another lvl rn

here is a breakdown of 1 bg and 2 fights from the last bg i was in…

Damage Done for Disrespecter | Overall Data
Flame Shock (DoT) … 113K (100.0%)
Lava Burst … 49.1K (43.2%)
Chain Lightning … 31.6K (27.8%)
Lightning Bolt … 4.2K (3.7%)
Lightning Shield … 2.7K (2.4%)

https:// imgur .com/a/Z60PNrg

LMFAO and we have the same rank of flame shock since LAST PHASE!

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no way dude ele in BG is the pinnacle of skill, it’s super hard, ur def lying

Shhhhhhh, silence! It is all shaman hate bandwagon!