The worst part of being OP…

honestly ive said quite a few times that shaman in phase 2 with way of earth and dual rb was op.

ive said also that with the 50% dr it was op along with all hybrids and healers.

i even said they might have been too much with the 20/30/20 meta.

not so sure on this current one. the 30% heal reduction really hurts survivability alot.

there are other classes that i would consider quite ahead of shaman in this meta and the 1-3 shot meta and the previous 20/30/20 meta.

its funny that those classes almost never get traction when people post about them being broken.

Some people are having way more fun than others even though they’re doing the same activity, that’s what sucks about this game. Games used to be really bad about this back in the day, they’ve gotten a lot more “even keeled”. But this is a 24 year old game, it has those old pain points, like not everyone being able to have fun simultaneously.

Everyone not having fun simultaneously is why you would lose your main healer the moment they got the Scepter in AQ or off KT in Classic. I saw more healers get a weapon and then quit in Classic then I ever did playing the entirety of WoW.

Dude you obviously dont have the brain power to think from other peoples perspective. The reason why its mainly 1 class that gains traction is because thats the class people feel is the strongest in BGs at the moment. You only play horde so only see it from 1 side. Its typical low IQ thinking

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Do you believe in your own bsht? You were literally defending WoE and telling people that without it shamans will be unplayable.

Same story now. And you want someone to treat you seriously.

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yawn. you could do without the insults.

i chalk it up to when the shaman has been the most op (p2 way of earth dual rockbiter).

people just keep carrying that view over no matter where shaman is on the totem pole .

also the simple fact is there are way more alliance that play the game than there are horde if you go by the ironforge pro numbers .

but ya please insult me and call me low iq cause im trying to bring some perspective to the actual overall balance.

i lobbied for them to make it require a shield.

the posts are there if you care enough to go back and look.

i was indeed worried about what they might do and diddnt know if it would kill shaman or just do what it did.

The worse part is you have to RAID to get weapons.

They still haven’t figured out pvp’rs want weapons on par with raiding from PVP

You only have the perspective of playing a shaman so you cant bring any perspective in that isnt going to be bias. People have BG’d this phase, i know its a shocker. They are still saying shamans are OP. Most posts are saying shamans are OP that vs shamans. Even other shamans are saying they are OP.

Are you saying everyone else is wrong except for you? Thats definition of low IQ. Not an insult, just facts.

If there are more alliance players bging how come horde queue times are 30x longer than alliance? If the game is balanced as you say.

You can also PVP with just your fists as well…

2hand is garbage

in phase one i played shaman/paladin/hunter/druid/priest/war/warlock.

in phase 2 i played priest/shaman/another shaman/warlock

in current phase ive played priest/shaman/warlock all to max and have pvped and raided on all of them.

i have a bit more perspective than you think.

also its not everyone and youre being dishonest by saying that.

there have been plenty of people who have posted that spriests were the most op also there have been some that say hunter /boomie are both near the top of being op.

you also have to parse when these posts are made and what “meta” they are posted in.

the carryover from p2 shaman into 4 different metas is just that, carryover.

shaman do not have the top spot in terms of opness in the 1-3 shot meta or even the 20/30/20 meta or even this current 20/30/30 meta.

and all hybrids and healers in general were wildly overpowered in the 50% dr meta.

also that “everyone” happens to be like 5 or 10 people cycling very low post count characters making 2 + spam shaman op posts a day for months now.

but ya you think im low iq when i see through the garbage and give it all a fair shake.

so you havnt played alliance phase 3 but you know shamans arent OP in BGs. Got you, you are smart.

you know . actually playing the class and seeing the real weaknesses it has along with its strenghts is having more information than you people trying to say shaman is so overpowered it soloed 15 people at bs then instantly 5capped the whole bg and the other nonsense garbage they post that shows they have no understanding about how the class works at all.

Ok 95% of other people are saying its OP, but because you play it you think it isnt. Doesnt that just make you a bad player? Why would i listen to someone thats a bad player?

99% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

and it doesnt make me a bad player to go against the “wisdom” of a crowd of people who "wont stop till they gut shaman in revenge for p2 " and other various things people have let slip as to their true intentions.

i dont care what people who have nothing but hate for an entire class have to say at all.

do you read what you post? You are saying its a big conspiracy to get revenge on shamans? Thats what everyone is doing?

I dont think anyone listens to a thing you have to say at this point lol

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heh .

whatever dude. tired of going back and forth with you and you not being interested in whats actually happening.

ive been there in nearly every post and saw the same pattern of low low post count alts spamming thread topics every day for months.

but ya i can see how someone who hasnt been in like every thread would think it was a conspiracy theory .

oh well .

believe what you want.

Ok so because you post alot you have a better understanding of the game. These are my first posts because of how the current BG scene is at the moment. Ive never had an inclination to post before this. I feel sorry for anyone that has had to try and comprehend your last 2000 posts.

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I get it alliance players have buyers remorse for rolling the wrong faction and instead of deleting their alliance character and rerolling horde they keep getting upset that shaman is so much cooler than Paladin.

They hate us because they ain’t us.
Horde have always destroyed alliance in bgs and fair fights, its just the way wow in general is.


That’s funny though, a hunter complaining about shamans for being OP.

Pot meet kettle, kettle meet pot. “How do you do?”

and you are a retail player commenting on a sod topic which you know nothing about?

ps this is a retail toon

It’s still funny though, regardless on what toon I post on.