The World (of warcraft) is on Fire

Where did you do that?

I didnt ignore it at all, I saw a video stating that tuning was gonna happen a week from now and assumed it would be addressed there.

Again a blue post the same day the patch is implimented does not negate or make my statement false, it simply piints out that with enough applied pressure a change was forced

That was NOT your original post.

This is your original post:

And then you claimed this:

Both of which were incorrect.

You did not make a thread to chastise a last minute change to them. That’s an entirely different topic.

I’m correcting the constant stream of misinformation you post on the forum. You’re the one who consistently gets hostile.

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You are beyond rational thought or help and I sincerely hope you stop posting in my threads in the immediate future. People like you desrrve hostility

That blue post was made maybe a few hours after the servers went up lol.

I didn’t see much “pressure” being applied.
And because they addressed it almost immediately, you are taking that as a win for some reason.

I think the issue is that they put out content intended to appeal to a certain demographic, in this case collectors who must have all the things, without understanding that there are negative repercussions for constantly trying to hard sell this to other demographics that become less interested.

OH… well… that’s disappointing. I hadn’t realized they did a bait and switch on that. How rude!


You’re the one who keeps moving goalposts from your original topic, because you cannot stand being told your information is incorrect.

I’m not the one throwing out constant insults. That’s you. This is at least the third or fourth time now that you’ve attempted to personally attack me.

Look to thine own self.

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So AGAIN like ive been saying near constantly, past pressure and dislike added into them making a blue post AFTER the initial change went through.

So now its even worse seeing as it was implimented and then bskc tracked

They didn’t. It’s on the vendor. OP is incorrect.

That’s what’s wrong with this thread. Everything OP posted is telling people incorrect information.


The changes were made before the servers went live.

naw it’s just a brutal manifestation of develoepr incompetence and company greed nothing more, nothing less

You first, you are not the patron saint of what is true or false. Nobody elected you to the position that you have to come in on top of a holier than thou attitude for what is correct or not correct information.

As your hunter friend pointed out, they added the buff then a few hours after retracted it, this is besides the point. I insult you cause your whole line of speaking is from a gawdy self imported position of “im always right and youre always wrong”

Probably. But they really naffed up if they thought 610s out of H BRD was adequate reward for that demographic when people 620+ are experiencing issues.

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Ah, I see. Well… my bad for not checking their story in game, or reading all these replies before posting my own. Thanks for the clarification.

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Dont ket this rat fool you, I posted correct information and things were hot fixed in game hours after the original implimentations went live.

Sendryn lives on the forums to be “gid king moderator” of whats right or wrong

This is such a nonsensical comment. Links were posted to give correct information not only by myself, but by others, as well.

All of your points in your original post are incorrect. And all you’ve done is upset people like Mystrael for no reason, because you were incorrect.

No. This is wrong again. My entire guild was looking at the vendors in the first five minutes of the servers going up and the Worldbreaker was on the vendor.

And the Mage and DK nerfs happened before the servers went live.

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I’m not sure how but for once I hit 900k damage in a heroic dungeon. I should be taking advantage of my meta status

Also, I did take a picture of me and like 10 FDKs wailing on Queen Ansurek

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

Kid how about you eff off and go ruin someone elses life instead of mine? Youre wrong, you were only correct on a technicality.

God I despise people like you

Sooo I am definitely able to purchase the world breaker mount.

Not saying your lying but :woman_shrugging: