The World (of warcraft) is on Fire

Enough said but please, tell me how im wrong more with how either intentionally dumb or ignorant you are

Doesn’t mean there’s no potential reason for them to want it to die.

And you’re as free to be wrong as he is, but I have participated in the event, it shows on my account.
I think it blows, I think they trashed the scaling on BRD for the rewards it offers, I think the snail’s pace bronze acquisition is trash, and this is all coming off of an absolutely garbage experience in S1 of M+.

To your point earlier its clear to me bli,zard lost sight of its original ambition…to make a fun game.

I think what would make a good change ti the current balancing cycle and all this would be if the current class developers were fired and replaced with ones who have a history of playing the game on a respective classto oush development in a more positive feedback.

Who better to design a class than one of their own?

Assassination is extremely strong in M+ but a) it’s not that great in raids really and b) it’s an actual effin chore to play.

Do Warlocks have their AoE ability randomly turn itself off while they’re AoE’ing? Do their hero talents force you to risk dying to activate? Rogue is an overall dumpster fire that’s just not pleasant to play in any way and which requires considerably more effort to reach mediocre results compared to every other melee spec in the game while also offering less utility. I do not know what the Warlock situation currently is but Rogues need a proper comprehensive overhaul, the sooner the better.

Angry little person aren’t ya? This game has been doing the same thing for 20 years now. Maybe it is time to simply move on.

Ignorant of what exactly? That they knew that these changes were a major throughput buff all along but tried to what, sneak them in? That they wrote that they reviewed the feedback and data and this is why they’re adding the nerfs at literally the last possible moment AFTER people got whiny about it?
Idk what you even mean there.

Sure. You’ve also participated in moaning on the forums, as always.

I don’t think I’ve ever once seen you actually enjoy anything.

Still wrong. Mages are nerfed, and now in the bottom 1/3rd of ST Damage. DK’s nerfed as well. Changes are live, and next weeks tuning pass is going to address other classes. Maybe try reading before whining online.

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That’s because I don’t have a bone to pick with things I enjoy.
I just enjoy them.

This isnt a class balance thread but counter point. Warlock suffers massively in high mobility fights which a lot of the m+ and taid mechanics are affixed around.

Rogue doesnt suffer from destro warlock losing aoe damage on rain of fire because the tank had to kite away from a stacking debuff by the mobs and because they moved 1 milimeter away from the aoe you just placed down and have to spend resources to build bacn up

Probably because they finally had time that day to spend while the servers were down getting that done.

And next week, we’ll see more changes.

When was never the argument. OP claiming they were buffed and then claiming the changes weren’t happening yet was the misinformation.

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I think after this if the “buff or nerf” thing is brought up im just gonna mark the post as trolling.

What you, the priest and the dragon are arguing in favor of is this and ill use a metaphor:

Imagine youre taking a test you have to complete in an hour and you hand it in. But you start second guessing yourself and in the last 30 seconds you take your test back and chnage your answers just to turn around and go “AH HA!!! Told you I was right all along!”

You’re the one who wrote about it in the first place.

So how is anyone trolling by responding to your posts about it?

This is exactly what you tried to do. And failed.


(post deleted by author)

So once again, when you’re told the correct information, you throw a fit and start with the hostility.


But were they actually implemented in game? Or were they just patch notes that were released, subject to change, and did in fact change?

Being upset over patch notes on a third party websites is pretty silly, and makes me happy that players don’t determine the balancing/major decisions of this game.


Literal child.

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What I and everyone else pointed out was the simple fact that this would have been the case but a change was made at the last second based on feedback.

All that points out was that a last second judgement call wa ls made to soften the blow, it doesnt make me wrong and doesnt make you right.

If this is how you treat random people I honest to god feel bad to ANYONE who considers you a “friend”

Ignores the immediate nerfs hitting them.


They had weeks of PTR to do this. Notice the issue, put changes in, see how it performs after the changes getting additional data and the dreaded feedback.
You know, the way you should actually do things like this.
Weeks of PTR. What else were they working on, Codex of Chromie?