The World (of warcraft) is on Fire

Idk thrn man, the only mounts I can see to buy from the vendor were the chillbreaker and soke gawdy looking blue and green gryphon and thats it. Havent spotted the worldbreaker yet.

Which like i said im probably gonna get the chillbreaker cause its still a cool mount but have my eyes on the original

And this right here is what I’m talking about.

Instead of just stopping the spread of misinformation, you personally attack people. Instead of saying, “My bad” and changing your OP, you continue to tell people incorrect information and move goalposts.

Nothing I said was incorrect. It’s all right there in the game and on the forums and on several websites. As per what many have posted, not just me.

I am only here to make sure people get the correct information and know that they can, in fact, get the mount they want. I’m sorry that offends you so much that you have to attack me. But I don’t want people upset over things that aren’t correct.

There’s plenty of actual issues to be upset about.

Yep. So is everyone else who doesn’t already have it. And they’ve been able to since servers went live yesterday.


Half of what the OP said is false

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Make it make sense.

As usual your misinformed. Mage and Death Knights didn’t get buffed. They got NERFED! You just don’t know yet because you don’t pay attention.

Both world chiller and world breaker mounts are for sale.

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With all the L’s blizzard has been conjuring, I am willing to look past players making honest mistakes because being disappointed is the expectation blizzard intentionally sets, so people accept things how they perceive the rest of the game and move on.
That disappointing expectation is exactly why ppl leave the game btw. Maybe look into managing expectations as a AAA company would/should.

It’s one thing to make an honest mistake. It’s entirely another to double down on being mistaken and continue to tell people incorrect information or twist it into something else that’s still incorrect.

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Great idea. You start.

How do these two things correlate?

How does past pressure specifically impact buffs that are almost instantly hotfixed?

This makes zero sense.

tbh I’m not really following this thread, idk what’s real and what’s not, but I do know this is the landscape we’ve sown at this point :face_with_head_bandage: